Archive for June, 2011

Currently Watching: The Dresden Files

14 Jun

We’re re-watching The Dresden Files. The show was my first introduction to Harry Dreseden; I hadn’t read any of the books. Now that I have, the show is still enjoyable. However, I’m noticing how my reactions to things have changed.

I love Bob as a character, and when I first read the books, I was disappointed that the character in the book was not the same as the character in the show- similar, but with a different origin. Now, I wonder why they felt the need to make Bob different for the show, as he’s pretty perfect in the books.

Sunday evenings

13 Jun

Only one Game of Thrones episode left in the season, and I’m kind of sad.  Not sad that I  won’t be sad from the depressingness of the show on Sunday evenings, but sad that our little end of weekend ritual with friends will be ending.

I’ve been really enjoying ending my weekend hanging out with people I care about, having dinner and talking. The show ended up being secondary to the event, at least for me. Maybe we can think of a way to continue the low key and relaxed get together, whether or not there’s something on the television

The rest of the world still exists

12 Jun

I should perhaps pay attention to what is going on in the world around me when I make plans. Saturday we had a plan to meet friends at our favorite restaurant for a late lunch. We left the house in plenty of time to make it up there. What I did not think about was that it is a weekend in June, and we would have to drive through the University District.

Apparently, it was graduation, and Cabinet member Secretary Sebelius was speaking. Traffic was terrible. “Luckily” our friends also had bad traffic, so they were running late as well.

Netflix movies

11 Jun

I’ve really been loving our Netflix subscription lately. It turns out its really nice for introducing my cousin to all the great sci-fi and fantasy movies that I grew up with, but don’t own on DVD. Most of them are available via the download play it now feature (though if they haven’t been converted to digital, like LadyHawke, they don’t come out great).

I think my next goal is to get her to watch the Secret of Nimh. It might not be traditional fantasy, but it’s a cartoon I think everyone should see. And I want to see it again.

Saving or Spending?

10 Jun

I love this thread because it talks about something I rant about all the time. Just because you are shopping a sale does not mean you are saving money. Sure, you might be saving 50%, but if you did not go to the store, then you would have saved 100%.

I agree with the people who say its savings only if you needed the item and would have paid full price for it. Though I also like the idea of taking the “savings” and making it actual savings- transfer it to the savings account. Now, you have actually saved money.

MythBusters (ep 168)

09 Jun

Of all the flat fixes, only two actually seemed viable to me, not because of how well they worked, but more due to the likelihood of me being able to pull them off.

Those two were the stick to make a sled and driving on the rims. But where do you go hiking or camping that there’s straw lying around, or even enough tall grasses? And unless you were cutting down a Christmas tree, whose going to have a chainsaw to make the wooden wheel? Same type of question for the manhole cover. Welding materials but no spare? Spare me.

The Voice (6)

08 Jun

I DVR and fast forward through a lot of the show that isn’t singing, but last night, I specifically tried to watch while Carson Daly was speaking (his teleprompter reading was awful) so I could learn about the format. I heard nothing.

Per the internet, voters will put through one person from each team as will the coach. Makes sense, but I do not see how the coaches are battling each other at this point. (Maybe it’s all for pride.)

If it were me, I would put through Christina’s bald women, Blake’s bald guy and the girl who sang “Heartless”.

Catching up on Entourage

07 Jun

We’ve been catching up on Entourage. I love this show, but I’m feeling a little nit picky about Vince’s current adrenaline junky phase. The thing is, I know movie stars are treated differently (which is a big part of what the show is about), but there are some things that still stretch it for me.

No one jumps solo out of an airplane the day they decide they want to. It just doesn’t happen. And while a celeb may not need a motorcycle endorsement to drive off the lot, they won’t ride it well, if they’ve never driven one before.

Citibank is screwing up my student loan payments, AGAIN

06 Jun

Citibank has once again screwed up payments on my federal student loans. This makes the third time this year. It’s getting beyond frustrating. For some reason, their online system and their auto-debit system do not communicate with each other. This bugs me because every other creditor I deal with is able to link the two.

Right now, if I check my payment history online, it doesn’t show any of my auto-payments. And last month, because I made an extra payment online (even though I made it following all their rules) it decided not to take my full auto-payment this month.

Just Watched: Assassination of a High School President

05 Jun


It’s not that I don’t “get” dark comedy. I just know where it came from. Shakespeare’s Dark Comedies were stories that ended in marriage, even if the idea of those marriages made you shudder. Modern dark comedies still end on an actual up note, with the hero doing the right thing, and the bad guys getting their comeuppance.

Still, Assassination of a High School President was an enjoyable bit of noir dark comedy. Not as good as Brick, which was pure noir, not quite the level of dysfunction as Heathers, for dark comedy, but enjoyable in its own sense.

100 Words On

topics explored in exactly 100 words