Posts Tagged ‘shopping’

Saving or Spending?

10 Jun

I love this thread because it talks about something I rant about all the time. Just because you are shopping a sale does not mean you are saving money. Sure, you might be saving 50%, but if you did not go to the store, then you would have saved 100%.

I agree with the people who say its savings only if you needed the item and would have paid full price for it. Though I also like the idea of taking the “savings” and making it actual savings- transfer it to the savings account. Now, you have actually saved money.

What Not to Wear

09 Mar

My husband is in class on Tuesday nights, and I’ve started watching “What Not to Wear” on TLC. Overall, I enjoy the show. I think the hosts do a very good job of being sensitive to the needs of the women they are working with.

But what gets me most is what these people get (or don’t get) with their $5,000 dollars from the show. I accept that they are shopping in New York city, but does that mean they aren’t allowed to shop sales, or go to someplace like Penny’s or Sears, where prices are a little more reasonable?


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