Posts Tagged ‘netflix’

Vacations Unlimited

19 Jul

New criteria to look for next time I change jobs- unlimited vacation time. I know, you’re thinking that’s called unemployment. Or perhaps that I’m crazy. But some companies do, in fact, offer unlimited vacation time as one of their perks, including Netflix.

Staff have to coordinate their vacation with co-workers, as they likely have to depend on co-workers to get their work done while they are gone, which means that the “evil” peer pressure keeps people from abusing the system. And people end up working remotely during their vacation, but I know people who do that without unlimited vacation days.

No More Cable

19 Jul

We’re considering giving up cable television. I should rephrase- we’ve decided to give up cable television (once I get through the shows saved on our DVR) and not replacing it with anything, except, perhaps, Hulu Plus.

Between Hulu’s paid service, Netflix streaming, and the cable websites themselves, we think we might not miss out on anything. Well, with one exception- I have yet to find full episodes of the current Mythbusters season online. And that’s honestly a pretty big deal for us.

But our Comcast bill is $150/month. That could drop to $20-30 with just internet. Wouldn’t that be nice.

Just Watched: Toy Story 3

28 Jun

We went to see the first Toy Story late at night, where only young college students were in the audience, and we all yelled “to infinity and beyond” at the end of the movie.

Toy Story 3 took me back to that age, as Andy was getting ready to go to college. I admit I cried. But I cried that Andy left Woody behind. I took my favorite stuffed bear to college, and couldn’t imagine having made it through without him.

Toys are such an important part of our life; growing up doesn’t always mean we have to let go.

Netflix movies

11 Jun

I’ve really been loving our Netflix subscription lately. It turns out its really nice for introducing my cousin to all the great sci-fi and fantasy movies that I grew up with, but don’t own on DVD. Most of them are available via the download play it now feature (though if they haven’t been converted to digital, like LadyHawke, they don’t come out great).

I think my next goal is to get her to watch the Secret of Nimh. It might not be traditional fantasy, but it’s a cartoon I think everyone should see. And I want to see it again.

100 Words On

topics explored in exactly 100 words