Archive for the ‘Marriage’ Category

Your Money Friday: What Can’t Your Money Do For You

01 Feb

Let’s talk about what online money message boards can do for you and what they cannot.

Your Money is really great at helping you figure out a budget or understanding the differences between a traditional IRA and a Roth. As a group, we have a lot of random knowledge.

What we cannot help with is legal situations. Yes, some posters are lawyers, but state laws vary and every case is different. We can give you emotional support during a divorce, and ideas you can follow up on with your lawyer, but we can never be a substitute for that lawyer.

Blog Feature: Newlyweds on a Budget

25 Aug

Today has been a space cadet day. It may be late, but you are still getting a Blog Feature. I knew on Friday I wanted to feature Newlyweds on a Budget, but then forgot to actually right the post. This is a great blog for talking about finances in a relationship, even if they aren’t quite so newlywed anymore.

I loved this post on what she misses about being single. While C isn’t quite this bad, on Thursday, I was craving having my last piece of pizza for a snack when I got home- C had eaten it for lunch.

A Walk in the Garden

31 Jul

Yesterday was exactly one month before our 9th wedding anniversary. C and I took a walk around the Kubota Japanese Gardens where we got married. This is only the 3rd time we’ve been back since the wedding, which is a shame, as we live not very far away.

The gardens have changed a little bit since we were there last, but we walked to the terrace where our wedding ceremony was performed, and then we got a little lost hunting for the moon bridge in the historic garden, next to the reflecting pool, where the best wedding picture was taken.

50 Years

16 Jul

This weekend I attended a party for my great aunt and uncle’s 50th wedding anniversary. In addition to family, numerous old friends were there- including people who had grown up with my great aunt and gone to school with her. With so many guests, they were often in different places. They didn’t even sit at the same table when it came time to eat. When they came up to cut the cake, I joked that it was the first time I’d seen them together all afternoon, and was that the secret to 50 years. I believe my great uncle nodded.

In Praise of Road Trips

20 May

In my early 20s, road trips were fun adventures with friends. They were often about the destination, but the drive itself always resulted in some good stories. In my mid-30s, I still enjoy road trips, and I enjoy them for the trip itself.
These last two weekends, I have had the opportunity to take road trips with some of my favorite people. Last week it was with members of my critique group, and then yesterday with C.
It’s dedicated conversation time, where no one feels like they should be doing something else, and it’s just a nice way to connect.

Your Money Friday: Money in Relationships

30 Mar

I’m about to ask you the most basic, most important question there is when handling finances within a relationship- Are you and your partner on the same page?

Don’t answer right away. Think about it.

This question is brought to us by the thread: Just need to vent, SO is losing their job. I know, they don’t sound related, and that’s part of why the question is so important. Because anything, even when people are on firm financial footing, can bring that question into play. How it’s answered or dealt with can spell the continuation or end of the relationship.

Pet Custody Battles (and bad reporting)

29 Feb

I have no doubt that custody disputes involving pets are on the rise. It makes sense to me. What does not make sense to me is the argument that the increase is due to “breakups in same-sex marriages, civil unions and domestic partnerships”.

Breakups have always happened between people living together but not married. Maybe because now that there’s actual legal status to these relationships, causing lawyers to be involved, lawyers think the fights are more common

Still better arguments are that more people own pets, and the way pets are viewed in society is changing from property to family.

Being Thankful 2011

24 Nov

Today I am thankful for the home I have made with my loving husband. I am thankful for our friends, also known as the family we choose, who bless our home with their presence. I am thankful for the food we have to share and the memories we create.

Life sometimes moves too fast, and it’s nice to slow down every once in a while and look around, to take a moment to smell the roses, as it were.

I said it last year, and I’ll say it again. 100 words isn’t really enough, but it will have to do.

Happy Anniversary

30 Aug

Today marks 8 years of marriage for my husband and I. It honestly doesn’t feel that long. Sometimes I wonder where the time went, but I can account for it all if I think about it. 100 words isn’t a lot, but its enough to say, I love you. I can’t imagine these last 8 years (11 really) without you in my life. I wouldn’t trade them for anything.
Talking with K about “home” the other day, I made the comment that at some point, I hope she found what I have. Home isn’t a place. It’s where you are.

A Change in Roles

02 Aug

This morning, I dropped my husband off at the airport. He’ll be gone for a week. In our 8 year marriage, this is only the second time he’s been the one to go somewhere.

I travel without him not exactly frequently, but once or twice a year. He hates to travel and is rarely willing to go places with me, let alone without me. In this case, he’s working a convention for a friend’s company, so its not quite pleasure travel,

But it does upend our status quo. And for once, I’m the one left home alone with the dogs.

100 Words On

topics explored in exactly 100 words