Posts Tagged ‘ladyhawke’

Netflix movies

11 Jun

I’ve really been loving our Netflix subscription lately. It turns out its really nice for introducing my cousin to all the great sci-fi and fantasy movies that I grew up with, but don’t own on DVD. Most of them are available via the download play it now feature (though if they haven’t been converted to digital, like LadyHawke, they don’t come out great).

I think my next goal is to get her to watch the Secret of Nimh. It might not be traditional fantasy, but it’s a cartoon I think everyone should see. And I want to see it again.

Just Watched: LadyHawke

31 May

I first saw LadyHawke when I was 11 or 12. It was the most romantic movie ever; Matthew Broderick was beyond cute; I fell in love with Rutger Hauer, and I wanted to be Michelle Pfeiffer. It has remained one of my favorite movies over the years, and it holds up fairly well, with a couple notable exceptions.

The soundtrack is awful. There needs to be a director’s cut with a different soundtrack.

Apparently it hasn’t been digitally remastered, or at least the Netflix version available for download hasn’t. It did not translate well on to our big screen HDTV.

My Favorite Actors: Rutger Hauer

09 Sep

Ladyhawke, need I say more? Ladyhawke may be the only “A” movie Rutger Hauer ever starred in (unless you count his role in Blade Runner as starring), and even if it were the only movie he ever made, I would love him.  But I have also seen a number of his “B” movies, and they are all works of cheesy sci-fi greatness. In today’s world, he would star in every Syfy channel original movie ever made. Even his turn in the original Buffy movie was perfect over the top acting.

Watch Flesh + Blood, Blood of Heroes, Crossworlds. Trust me.

100 Words On

topics explored in exactly 100 words