Posts Tagged ‘choice’

Being a Feminist (4)

10 Nov

To me, being a feminist mean believing in women, believing in their right and ability to make the choices that are best for them. I don’t believe that I, or anyone else, has the right to tell them what they can and can not do with their lives and bodies (within the realm of the law). I believe that as a society, it is our job to give women and men the information they need to make those choices.

And once those decisions are made, I believe in respecting them, even if they are not the choices I would make.

Being a Feminist (3)

08 Nov

I don’t consider abortion to be the line in the sand for feminism because I accept that some people honestly believe its murder. I don’t feel that way, but I can understand why they do. Government does not have the right to legislate morality, but this is one area where legality and morality form a gray area.

Like Hillary Clinton, I believe abortion should be safe, legal, and rare. I never want to tell a woman she has to maintain a pregnancy that might kill her or that she has to carry a non-viable fetus to term. That is immoral.

Being a Feminist (2)

07 Nov

I believe in choice and being given all the tools necessary to make the right choice for yourself. I know some absolutely brilliant women who have decided that their place in life is being a stay at home mother. For years, I thought that would be my place, too. It wasn’t for me, and I can’t say I don’t occasionally think “What could she have done, if only…” about these other women. But I keep those thoughts to myself, because I respect their right to make that choice. I respect “mother” as both a part and full time job title.

Being a Feminist (1)

05 Nov

I used to be one of those women who would say “I’m not a feminist, but…” At the time, I believed it, thought “feminist” was a dirty word.. But the truth is, I am a raging, flaming feminist. I am not one of those who believes the line is drawn at abortion (though I support legal abortion), but instead at access to birth control and giving all women the education they need to maintain control over their own bodies. I don’t believe women who want to limit those choices for other women care about women at all. Education is key.

100 Words On

topics explored in exactly 100 words