Posts Tagged ‘birth control’

Why We Need Sex Ed (or Are Conservative Men Really that Stupid?)

01 Mar

There is an apparent belief among conservative men that female birth control (ie the pill) works the same way as a condom. (See here and here.)  Guys, I know you want your wives to be virgins, but I’m also pretty certain you want the women you sleep with before/outside of marriage to not get pregnant. So, let me explain how the pill works, in language you can understand- it’s like Cialis for daily use.

One pill, every day. Cost and quantity do not scale with sexual activity. Taking the pill does not make a woman a slut or a prostitute.

Religion vs Women

17 Feb

Since when is religious freedom the trump card of all the rights granted us in the Constitution? Since when does your religious freedom mean more than my religious freedom? Since when does your religious freedom outweigh my sovereignty over my own body?

Since when, in the name of information, do you get to rape me? (Vaginally probing women without regard for whether or not they consent is rape.) Since when am I too stupid to understand what I’m doing?

Oh, wait, in your mind, I’m female. I have always been too stupid. Why do you even allow us to vote?

Giving Minors Access to Birth Control

10 Feb

Planned Parenthood is currently being damned for giving girls who claim to be under the age of consent information about birth control. Legally, they are probably required to do so, regardless of the fact they are there with someone who may be their pimp. (And let’s be honest, real pimps don’t identify themselves to PP counselors.)

In Washington, the age of consent is 16. Privacy rights regarding sexual health begin at 14. Providers can’t refuse care based on age; they are ethically required to give the care and legally required not to disclose it (unless there’s actual evidence of abuse).

Being a Feminist (1)

05 Nov

I used to be one of those women who would say “I’m not a feminist, but…” At the time, I believed it, thought “feminist” was a dirty word.. But the truth is, I am a raging, flaming feminist. I am not one of those who believes the line is drawn at abortion (though I support legal abortion), but instead at access to birth control and giving all women the education they need to maintain control over their own bodies. I don’t believe women who want to limit those choices for other women care about women at all. Education is key.

100 Words On

topics explored in exactly 100 words