Posts Tagged ‘education’

School Rules

22 Aug

I remember that my schools had dress codes and rules we had to follow, but lately it seems like things have gotten out of hand. In just the last few days, I have read articles about kindergartners not being allowed to wear t-shirts for out of state colleges (apparently, gang members never attend in state colleges), a high school valedictorian not receiving her diploma because she said “hell” in her speech at graduation, and a girl almost being kicked out of her gifted and talented program from having pictures on her notebook.

Do schools really need to go that far?

Bonus Science Content: Math is for Boys

29 Mar

I’m not certain if I find this funny or sad.

This is an article about a new study from the University of Washington which tells us that children as young as second grade have absorbed the stereotype that girls aren’t good at math, that math is for boys. It contains some useful hints for helping your daughters overcome this stereotype, while at the same time, falling prey to it.

“…if she works at [math], she CAN be good at it.” The line assumes that all girls are naturally not good at math. And they wonder where the stereotype comes from.

Being a Feminist (4)

10 Nov

To me, being a feminist mean believing in women, believing in their right and ability to make the choices that are best for them. I don’t believe that I, or anyone else, has the right to tell them what they can and can not do with their lives and bodies (within the realm of the law). I believe that as a society, it is our job to give women and men the information they need to make those choices.

And once those decisions are made, I believe in respecting them, even if they are not the choices I would make.

100 Words On

topics explored in exactly 100 words