Archive for April, 2011

Next Great American Restaurant (5)

11 Apr

I was sad, if not surprised, to see Sandy go home. I would have rather seen Joey go, but she wasn’t going to win, so it didn’t matter much.

Sandy was hampered by her concept. Each week, when everyone else only had to create, make, and serve one new dish, Sandy had to make two, a sinner and a saint. The worst part is, I think she vocalized her concept in the most understandable way this evening- I want to give people choices, make it so that everyone can get what they want, decadent or healthy, at the same restaurant.


New Routine

10 Apr

I’m getting up a half hour earlier on weekday mornings. We have a new dog in the family, one with a higher energy level, who needs more exercise in order to remain a well behaved. So I’m getting up and taking him on a short walk every morning before work. Its nothing major, 5-10 minutes long, depending on how much he sniffs around, but its been nice. The extra bit of exercise helps me wake up, and is helping me bond with my new puppy (he’s three, so not a puppy except in the sense that they are all puppies.)


Computer Nostalgia

09 Apr

Our first computer came from my uncle, when he bought a newer one for his business. I remember it being more like an Atari with a keyboard than anything else, as we hooked it up to the family room TV.

When we finally bought a computer, it was an Apple II GS, which my father used for almost 20 years (honestly).

The Commodore 64 I played on belonged to my best friend, so I don’t have as much nostalgia for it as some, but I certainly know plenty of people who will want to own the new retro Commodore 64.

Taking care of you

08 Apr

There are a number of controversial threads going on YM this week, but I wanted to talk about this much simpler (and shorter) one. How much is your smile worth?

For people who are really involved in debt payoff, wealth building, net worth, and assets, it can sometimes be hard to remember that we really do need to invest in ourselves. $10,000 is a lot of money. I don’t know anyone who would argue it isn’t. The question is, are you worth it? Is keeping your own teeth and having good dental health worth $10,000? With or without dental insurance?

Mythbuster (ep 160)

07 Apr

Mythbusters is back!

Amazingly detailed masks fool people, even people who know you well, from all but the closest distances, as long as you keep quiet. I just wonder, for this Mission Impossible myth, how would one get the detailed measurements needed to make the mask? You can’t exactly casually measure someone’s face with calipers.

You can’t shoot a merry-go-round to make it spin. I don’t care that the myth was busted, it came from a Clive Owen movie, and that’s all that’s important.

At the same time, you can shoot a gun away from your opponent. Good to know.

Professional Responsibility

06 Apr

I am a fan of sports, specifically, sports where there is a lot of hitting- roller derby, hockey, and football. And while I am a fan of these sports, I do have concerns about the health of the players, especially around concussions. But I am even more concerned about concussions among the youth players of these games.

That’s why, even though I am not a Penguins fan, I am thrilled with the Pittsburgh Penguins’ new program to provide baseline concussion testing for all youth hockey players in the city. We can change the culture when we start with the kids.


I blame…me

05 Apr

I really should have written this morning’s entry last night, but I was feeling lazy and just went to bed. Then, this morning, I started a new morning routine which has me up a half hour earlier in order to go on a short walk/jog. Since that takes less than 15 minutes, I surely had time to type up 100 words. Alas, I forgot. I’d like to blame the routine, but as I’m the one who designed it, all of its failures are mine.

So, here’s your rambling post for the day. I promise to have something actually interesting tomorrow.

Next Great American Restaurant (4)

04 Apr

I wanted Eric to pull himself and Meltworks out before the judges kicked him out. It was very clear that his vision of his concept and the judges’ vision of his concept weren’t in sync.

I was annoyed by Curtis’s comment that if it was such a great concept, why hadn’t someone thrown money at it already. That shows a lack of understanding about reality and how difficult it is for non-celebrity chefs to open a restaurant, even a fast casual one. Heck, even the Chipotle guy had to borrow money from his father, not a bank or other investor.

TV on DVD: Torchwood

03 Apr

Torchwood is apparently a spin off of Dr Who, though we do not watch Dr Who. (Sacrilege, I know.) I love Torchwood because it reminds me of the early seasons of the X Files without actually being anything like X Files. Or maybe because it’s like NCIS, but instead of investigating the deaths of military men, they investigate aliens.

Even though it has an ensemble cast, Torchwood seems to focus on Gwen in the first season. She is the new person to the team, so the just like in a novel, the audience is learning about the organization through her.

American Idol (3)

02 Apr

Too much going on in the real world to write about anything important. So we are back to American Idol. Koala boy Casey chose the best Elton John song, “Your Song” and was wonderful. So glad he’s still around.

I was not surprised by Naima going. I was more surprised by how long it took, considering she did not make the original top 10.

As for Thia, I thought the judges did her a disservice by putting her through after Hollywood. Nothing to do with talent- just imagine what a force she could have been in a couple more years.


100 Words On

topics explored in exactly 100 words