Posts Tagged ‘NCIS’

What I’m Watching: NCIS

01 Oct

We started watching this in reruns onUSAand ION. There was a year, while we were still catching up, that Tuesdays meant 4-5 hours of NCIS in a row.

I have been in love with Michael Weatherly since Dark Angel. Yes, Mark Harmon is the show, but I don’t think it could last without Tony, either. While Tony is partnered with Cait and later Ziva, he is, in fact, Gibbs’s partner. The show, and the team, would not work without both of them. I am thrilled that in the last few seasons we’ve started going more into Tony’s past.

TV on DVD: Torchwood

03 Apr

Torchwood is apparently a spin off of Dr Who, though we do not watch Dr Who. (Sacrilege, I know.) I love Torchwood because it reminds me of the early seasons of the X Files without actually being anything like X Files. Or maybe because it’s like NCIS, but instead of investigating the deaths of military men, they investigate aliens.

Even though it has an ensemble cast, Torchwood seems to focus on Gwen in the first season. She is the new person to the team, so the just like in a novel, the audience is learning about the organization through her.

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