Posts Tagged ‘bbc america’

BBCA’s Copper

27 Aug

I’ve been enjoying the new BBCA show Copper, about an Irish cop in the Five Corners area ofNew York, just as the Civil War is winding down. There are some characters that aren’t fully fleshed out yet- the black doctor’s wife, who seems to exist solely to pull guns on the Irish cops needing her husband’s help, the second of the main character’s two closest friends, and the super rich father of the rich officer our main character (and the black doctor) saved the life of while they were all serving in the war. But I’ll give it time.

TV on DVD: Torchwood

03 Apr

Torchwood is apparently a spin off of Dr Who, though we do not watch Dr Who. (Sacrilege, I know.) I love Torchwood because it reminds me of the early seasons of the X Files without actually being anything like X Files. Or maybe because it’s like NCIS, but instead of investigating the deaths of military men, they investigate aliens.

Even though it has an ensemble cast, Torchwood seems to focus on Gwen in the first season. She is the new person to the team, so the just like in a novel, the audience is learning about the organization through her.

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