Archive for the ‘Discrimination’ Category

Court Watching Week!

26 Jun

It’s that time of year- Court watching season, when the Supreme Court finally tells us their verdicts for the cases they have heard in the past year. A couple decisions came out last week. I am not anti-union, but I do agree with the SEIU verdict that non-union members, working in union represented positions, should not be forced to pay for union political activities.

Big deal yesterday was the Arizona Immigration law. Most of it was struck down. One part was left, but with basically a note that said- we expect to strike this down later after you abuse it.

Celebrate Juneteenth

19 Jun

Happy Juneteenth! Don’t know what Juneteenth is? I’m not surprised, but I am saddened. It is the anniversary of the day slavery officially ended in theUnited States. It’s a few months after the Civil War actually ended because that’s how long it took the Union Army to arrive inTexasand order that the roughly 200,000 slaves in that state be freed.

We are still not a society without prejudice. But if we want to start getting past that, then there are days we as a nation need to celebrate. I think the end of slavery is certainly worthy.

Your Money Friday: Weight in the Workplace

25 May

So while we’re still talking about work clothes over on YM this week, the thread I’m highlighting only pretends to be about wardrobe- Does this Interview Suit Make Me Look Fat? It started talking about companies policies about not hiring fat people because of the insurance cost. It has morphed a bit to be talking about weight in general, and howUS society perceives weight.

The conversation has remained quite respectful (which is nice), but for someone who has struggled with their weight, it is also very frustrating to hear people tell me how “simple” it is to lose weight.

President Obama Supports Gay Marriage

10 May

I know that some people are upset it took Obama this long to come out for gay marriage. I, too, wish it could have happened sooner. I certainly wish it had not taken something likeNorth Carolina’s Amendment 1 passing, to get him do so. (Am I the only person who finds it ironic that this is called Amendment 1 and the First Amendment of the US Constitution is the one that calls out separation of church and state?) However, I also understand why it is still a risky move. Please remember to vote this November. Don’t let hate win.

Support SNOPA

29 Apr

What would your response be, if, in an interview, your potential employer asked to tap your phone, read your mail, or be given the password to your email?  What if your child’s school asked to monitor your child that way? Chances are, you would say no, that those things are a gross violation of privacy.

It’s the same violation to require a job applicant or a student to provide their FaceBook log in information. If they make a public post that can be seen by anyone, that’s one thing, but if their account has privacy locks, that makes it private.

Why We Need Sex Ed (or Are Conservative Men Really that Stupid?)

01 Mar

There is an apparent belief among conservative men that female birth control (ie the pill) works the same way as a condom. (See here and here.)  Guys, I know you want your wives to be virgins, but I’m also pretty certain you want the women you sleep with before/outside of marriage to not get pregnant. So, let me explain how the pill works, in language you can understand- it’s like Cialis for daily use.

One pill, every day. Cost and quantity do not scale with sexual activity. Taking the pill does not make a woman a slut or a prostitute.

Religion vs Women

17 Feb

Since when is religious freedom the trump card of all the rights granted us in the Constitution? Since when does your religious freedom mean more than my religious freedom? Since when does your religious freedom outweigh my sovereignty over my own body?

Since when, in the name of information, do you get to rape me? (Vaginally probing women without regard for whether or not they consent is rape.) Since when am I too stupid to understand what I’m doing?

Oh, wait, in your mind, I’m female. I have always been too stupid. Why do you even allow us to vote?


10 Feb

I believe in marriage equality- rephrase- I believe in equality.  I also believe in the right to free speech.

The bill allowing marriage equality inWashingtonState is now just awaiting the governor’s promised signature to become law.

In much sadder news, a father killed himself and his two boys this week.

Now, the group that protests funerals will be protesting the funeral for those two little boys. According to them, their deaths are God’s punishment for passage of marriage equality.

I believe in their right to say stupid things, but that does not make what they are saying right.

Almost There

02 Feb

Last night, the same-sex marriage bill in Washington state passed the state Senate on a vote of 28-21. That is good. I don’t even mind that opponents will have time to gather signatures in order to get a referendum on November’s ballot. I think the voters will make their views clear.

I am angered by Senator Dan Swecker, not because he voted against the bill, but because he is concerned that it doesn’t do enough to prevent a “hostile environment for those of us who believe in traditional marriage”. Tables turned. I have no issues with bigots facing hostile environments.

Daughter’s are not Crimes

30 Jan

Living in the United States sometimes serves to insulate us against what happens in the rest of the world. We think that because of the internet and other modern conveniences that the rest of the world must be like us, think like us. And it’s not true. We need to be reminded about universal human rights, and that there are people in this world who do not enjoy them.

In Afghanistan, a man and his mother strangled his wife to death. Her crime? Giving birth to a third daughter instead of a son. Wasn’t that Ann Boleyn’s crime in 1533?

100 Words On

topics explored in exactly 100 words