Posts Tagged ‘weight loss’


06 Mar

I repeat that I’m very happy I’m not doing some sort of system for my weight loss. Being completely in control of what I’m doing makes it much easier for me to think of this as a lifestyle change and to know that I will be able to continue it. However, every once in a while I do wish I was on a system for one simple reason- the systems remind you not just to weigh yourself, but to measure yourself, when you start. I took no measurements. I know I’ve lost inches, but I have no idea how many.

Your Money Friday: Weight in the Workplace

25 May

So while we’re still talking about work clothes over on YM this week, the thread I’m highlighting only pretends to be about wardrobe- Does this Interview Suit Make Me Look Fat? It started talking about companies policies about not hiring fat people because of the insurance cost. It has morphed a bit to be talking about weight in general, and howUS society perceives weight.

The conversation has remained quite respectful (which is nice), but for someone who has struggled with their weight, it is also very frustrating to hear people tell me how “simple” it is to lose weight.

100 Words On

topics explored in exactly 100 words