Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category

President Obama Supports Gay Marriage

10 May

I know that some people are upset it took Obama this long to come out for gay marriage. I, too, wish it could have happened sooner. I certainly wish it had not taken something likeNorth Carolina’s Amendment 1 passing, to get him do so. (Am I the only person who finds it ironic that this is called Amendment 1 and the First Amendment of the US Constitution is the one that calls out separation of church and state?) However, I also understand why it is still a risky move. Please remember to vote this November. Don’t let hate win.

Why We Need Sex Ed (or Are Conservative Men Really that Stupid?)

01 Mar

There is an apparent belief among conservative men that female birth control (ie the pill) works the same way as a condom. (See here and here.)  Guys, I know you want your wives to be virgins, but I’m also pretty certain you want the women you sleep with before/outside of marriage to not get pregnant. So, let me explain how the pill works, in language you can understand- it’s like Cialis for daily use.

One pill, every day. Cost and quantity do not scale with sexual activity. Taking the pill does not make a woman a slut or a prostitute.

Religion vs Women

17 Feb

Since when is religious freedom the trump card of all the rights granted us in the Constitution? Since when does your religious freedom mean more than my religious freedom? Since when does your religious freedom outweigh my sovereignty over my own body?

Since when, in the name of information, do you get to rape me? (Vaginally probing women without regard for whether or not they consent is rape.) Since when am I too stupid to understand what I’m doing?

Oh, wait, in your mind, I’m female. I have always been too stupid. Why do you even allow us to vote?

Almost There

02 Feb

Last night, the same-sex marriage bill in Washington state passed the state Senate on a vote of 28-21. That is good. I don’t even mind that opponents will have time to gather signatures in order to get a referendum on November’s ballot. I think the voters will make their views clear.

I am angered by Senator Dan Swecker, not because he voted against the bill, but because he is concerned that it doesn’t do enough to prevent a “hostile environment for those of us who believe in traditional marriage”. Tables turned. I have no issues with bigots facing hostile environments.

Vets Helping Heroes

31 Jan

I love highlighting organizations like this one. I have written in other places about Pets2Vets, which helps provide companion animals to veterans. The animals come from shelters, so the soldiers aren’t just getting a pet, they’re saving a life.

Vets Helping Heroes works to help provide veterans with service dogs, which comes with a much higher expense. Currently, our federal government does not provide any assistance to veterans who would benefit from a service animal. Vets Helping Heroes is lobbying to change that, but in the meantime, they are raising funds to provide as many service animals as they can.

Daughter’s are not Crimes

30 Jan

Living in the United States sometimes serves to insulate us against what happens in the rest of the world. We think that because of the internet and other modern conveniences that the rest of the world must be like us, think like us. And it’s not true. We need to be reminded about universal human rights, and that there are people in this world who do not enjoy them.

In Afghanistan, a man and his mother strangled his wife to death. Her crime? Giving birth to a third daughter instead of a son. Wasn’t that Ann Boleyn’s crime in 1533?

Subverting the Cause

25 Jan

Awhile back, I signed up to get the AFA (American Family Association) emails. Basically, their newsletters telling me who to boycott serve as notices to me for companies I should support.

I got one this week telling me I should “Pray for Home Depot Chairman Frank Blake to make wise decisions regarding his company’s direction.” And that I should boycott the company because they sent an email to AFA stating ““We have never changed our commitment to diversity and inclusion of all people, and we have no intention of doing so.”

Thank you, Home Depot, for doing the right thing.

Marriage is Marriage

24 Jan

I want to say that I am proud ofWashingtonstate, and I am. At the same time, I still can’t believe it has taken us this long. Yesterday the first hearings were held for both the state Senate and House bills that will bring marriage equality to our state.

I don’t even want to call it gay marriage, because it’s not like it’s a separate thing. It’s marriage. Making interracial marriage legal did not change marriage. It was not a separate thing from same race marriage. This isn’t about gay rights. It’s about equal rights. And it’s about time.

The Internet Wins

20 Jan

Organized, peaceful protest works. I know it does not always seem like it does. But the Occupy Wall Street folks changed the conversation in this country. It may not seem like much, but we no one is going to work on fixing problems no one is talking about. Changing the conversation matters.

In that same vein, the very loud internet protests of this week have resulted in Congress withdrawing the SOPA and PIPA anti-piracy measures. Protecting intellectual property is good, but not at the expense of our freedom of speech. We do not need more laws; we need better laws.


18 Jan

I thought about not posting anything today as part of the SOPA protest, but since I accidentally skipped Monday, I think it may just look like the Seattle snowpocalypse knocked out my connection.

I am against SOPA. As a writer, I am for copyright protections, but not handled in such a mishmash, no one knows if they’re breaking the law or not, kind of way. Do not let your internet provider be the one who chooses what sites you can visit.

The First Amendment protects us from censorship. Don’t let them claim the internet is not protected by the Constitution.

100 Words On

topics explored in exactly 100 words