Posts Tagged ‘seattle snowpocalypse’

Seeing Beauty

09 Feb

I sometimes forget what a beautiful place I live in. Especially during the winter, the skies are so cloudy and the days are so short that it’s easy to spend very little time outside, even with the dogs wanting to go out, when it’s wet, we rarely do.

With the exception of the “snowpocalypse”, we’ve had a fairly mild winter this year- not a lot of rain, more blue skies than you would expect. The days are still short enough that we don’t get out with the dogs much- it’s dark before we’re home. But the world is still beautiful.


18 Jan

I thought about not posting anything today as part of the SOPA protest, but since I accidentally skipped Monday, I think it may just look like the Seattle snowpocalypse knocked out my connection.

I am against SOPA. As a writer, I am for copyright protections, but not handled in such a mishmash, no one knows if they’re breaking the law or not, kind of way. Do not let your internet provider be the one who chooses what sites you can visit.

The First Amendment protects us from censorship. Don’t let them claim the internet is not protected by the Constitution.

100 Words On

topics explored in exactly 100 words