Posts Tagged ‘new york’

BBCA’s Copper

27 Aug

I’ve been enjoying the new BBCA show Copper, about an Irish cop in the Five Corners area ofNew York, just as the Civil War is winding down. There are some characters that aren’t fully fleshed out yet- the black doctor’s wife, who seems to exist solely to pull guns on the Irish cops needing her husband’s help, the second of the main character’s two closest friends, and the super rich father of the rich officer our main character (and the black doctor) saved the life of while they were all serving in the war. But I’ll give it time.

New York says “I Do” to Gay Marriage

25 Jun

I would like to say Thank You to both legislative houses of the state ofNew York, but especially the Senate where Republican state lawmakers took a stand for decency and equality against the prejudices and hate of their party. Thank you,New York, for saying that all men are created equal, and opening an avenue for the pursuit of happiness to a portion of the population to whom we’ve been denying that path.

Thank you for standing up for the right thing, the human thing. Your stand is appreciated by all of us who believe that equal means equal.

“God says No” vs “God is Love” – Gay Marriage in NY

21 Jun

Take God out of it. We aren’t deciding church policy, we’re deciding a state law in theUS-a place that clearly spells out in it’s founding documents a distinct separation of Church and State. God doesn’t matter when it comes to our laws.

As for the “religious exemptions” the Republicans are supposedly asking for, do they not know how the law works? A church already has the right to refuse to marry anyone. The only thing they can’t do is refuse to rent their church out for a gay marriage if they rent it out for other random marriages.

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