Archive for May, 2011

Not the Message You Meant to Give

11 May

Have you seen the 5 Hour Energy commercials? The ones that talk about how coffee gives you a caffeine crash, which is bad, so you should drink 5 Hour Energy instead?

The ones that talk about how it takes too long to make or buy your coffee in the morning, so you should instead drink 5 hour energy instead?

I find the commercials annoying since people who can’t function without their coffee have the coffee maker set to automatically brew it.

But forgetting that, I was very amused by the 5 Hour Energy car parked outside my Starbucks this weekend.

Love is the legacy that matters most

10 May

I was blessed to have my Nana for 35 years. She was an amazing woman who grew up during the depression, married a GI at the start of WWII, and saw her husband off to as many wars as they had children, the last one of which she also sent her oldest son to. She raised her children all over the world, but retired to the community where she grew up. She lived the last 30 years of her life surrounded by family and lifelong friends.

Yesterday her physical presence left us, but her love will remain with us forever.

American Idol: Calling out the judges

09 May

Its not that I miss Simon, per se; he was often needlessly mean in the hopes of getting a good quip in, but this year’s Idol judges are failing. They’re failing the audience, and more importantly, they are failing the contestants. Without honest criticism to know what they’re doing wrong, the performers aren’t improving, at least not along the lines of how they have in the past. Hearing how fabulous they are every week does not tell them they need to put their energy to improve.

Thank goodness for Jimmy, but that’s not his job. Get with the program judges.

Happy Mothers’ Day

08 May

Happy Mothers’ Day to all the mom’s who read this, but most especially my mom. Even thought I’ve been an adult for over 15 years, there are days when she’s still my mommy.

I know there are times when she wonders how in the world I’m her daughter. I am a slob compared to her neat freak. She even cleans the coils on the back of my fridge when she comes to visit. I have a hard time doing dishes before I’m completely out of bowls.

But no matter how different we are, she has always loved and supported me.

American Idol: James Durbin needs to go

07 May

I’m okay with when Casey Abrams went home. Jacob Lusk, whatever, don’t care. But now, James Durbin needs to go. This week’s performance was AWFUL. And I may be the only person on the planet who likes metal and watches American Idol, so trust me when I say he doesn’t have the vocal chops to sing that kind of music, and I really wish Steven Tyler would say so. He doesn’t have the range or the gravel.

I would have thought he could have pulled off something 30 Seconds to Mars like, but, well, see my comments about this week’s performance.

Bonus Content: Trying to get back on track

06 May

My head has just been off this week, for no particular reason that I’m aware of, but it has, and it’s really translated to this blog. I don’t think I have had a single on time post all week. I doubt there are many of you breathlessly waiting at 8am for my latest post, but at the same time, people like consistency. I haven’t been delivering. I’m sorry.

I’ve taken today as a “mental health” day, and hope that by having a long weekend, by being able to take things a little slower, will help get me back on track.

Budget Review

06 May

It’s apparently the time of year that people review their budgets, maybe in advance of summer vacation and needing to pay for camps or day care for the kids, or maybe it’s contagious, like yawning.

At YM, we’ve had 6 threads in the last couple of weeks asking for budget advice. They’ve all been from regular posters, so it’s not like they’re people who haven’t heard all the standard advice. They just need a second (or 50th) set of eyes to look and see if they’re missing something, to have questions asked they might not have thought to ask themselves.

MythBusters (ep 164)

05 May

I’m not really certain how ancient torpedoes were busted. They tested two designs which they then didn’t use. How surprised could they be that the full scale testing didn’t go according to plan? Remember when they used to try and build things the way they would have been built in the myth? And when they discovered their problem was too much power, why didn’t they switch to the deep V style?

I like the wine bottle machine gun, but I think champagne would have given better results. I know that wasn’t the myth, but “machine gun” wasn’t the myth either.

The Voice

04 May

Apparently, after reaching my 1 year anniversary here, I decided I could start falling down on the job.

I am watching The Voice (is anyone surprised) and after two episodes, with the blind auditions done, I’m left mostly with the thought that Christina is turning in to Dolly Parton. I blame the dress.

I found in interesting that in the auditions they showed, only 2 people got all of the judges to turn around. I’m not actually certain they were the best 2 people. I think the judges just got a little tired of having to campaign against each other.

Next Great American Restaurant (8)

03 May

Soul Daddy’s wins! Now, the real question is, when can I expect a restaurant to open in Seattle? I love soul food. (Please let there be hushpuppies…) Since this was my favorite concept from the beginning, I am thrilled.

I think Sudhir should take this experience and go get a business loan to open Spice Coast. He has a great track record of starting businesses, and by going deep on this show, proves to investors and/or banks that he has the experience and skills necessary to succeed.

Joey needs to go open a family style meatball restaurant and be happy.

100 Words On

topics explored in exactly 100 words