Archive for the ‘Games’ Category

A House Full of Gamers

07 Mar

My living room was recently filled with discussion of the good and bad points of just about every MMORPG any of us have ever played, with the exception of Neocron.

Would you believe, there are things we miss about Everquest- like the concept that there can be more than two factions, but no one misses travel time. I think every game should have super jump, like City of Heroes, but the choices at character generation can be overwhelming. Eve is apparently the game to play if you can get a group of friends to agree to just hang out together.


Geek Girl Con

27 Feb

Geek Girls Unite! Or at least come together for a great party. Boy geeks are invited, too.

I have sent in my volunteer application for the Geek Girl Con this October in Seattle. Besides being a geek girl myself (and no, I don’t care how old I am, I will never think of myself as a “woman”), I think it’s always nice to remind actual girls (you know, the young ones) that they are not alone, and that it is fun to be a geek.

If you’re looking for something to do in October, keep the Geek Girls in mind.

Violent Video Games do NOT Desensitize us to Violence

26 Feb

There is a study out that suggests violent video games don’t desensitize people to violence. However, the article I read about the study does its best to make sure that when you finish reading, you still believe video games are BAD for children, because of course, this is just one study, and well, we all KNOW violent games lead to violent kids.

I don’t mind the restraint, (Though I’m against the reasoning behind it.) I just wish reporters could show the same restraint over studies that appear to prove our assumptions as they do the ones that go against it.

My Velocity Micro Cruz eReader

09 Feb

I bought myself an eReader for birthday/Christmas. I’d spent a lot of time researching the different brands and functionality, and finally settled on the Velocity Micro Cruz Reader. It came pre-loaded with the Borders app, but because its 3rd party, I can download the Kindle or B&N apps, too.

In addition to being an eReader, the Cruz has some tablet functionality. I’m able to browse the web and download games and other apps from the Android app store. Its tablet functionality is not perfect, but considering I paid eReader price ($120), I’m not complaining. And still reading books on it.

My Favorite Console Games: Gladius

19 Jan

Being sick sucks. Here’s what I did last night. I played Gladius.

Never heard of it, you say? Not surprising. While it was put out by Lucas Arts, the game sold so badly that it hasn’t been converted from the Xbox to the 360. Still, it’s one of my favorite games. We have it for 2 consoles.

Basically, it’s a turn based strategy game where you are gladiators fighting in arenas all over the world. There’s a meta plot as well, not that I’ve ever finished the game. I just like running around and trying out new types of gladiators.

Video Game Advertising

30 Nov

Video games, much like D&D a generation ago, are fighting the perception that violence in the games leads to violence in the real world. The industry is trying to police itself with the ratings system, to keep the government from getting involved. Given that, you would think that a game would not advertise itself by showing video game violence in the real world. Apparently not. The new Assassin’s Creed commercial shows people on a modern city street being attacked. Note to the Assassin’s Creed advertising folks- we’re really trying to keep video game violence out of the real world. Thanks.

Dominion (for the win)

28 Nov

My mother bought us a copies of Dominion and Settlers of Catan as early Christmas gifts. (Its like I’m a kid again.) We’ve played one game of Settlers, which is fun, but takes some time. We’ve played at least six games of Dominion, at least 4 in a row this evening. Besides being fun, and quite quick paced once you get the hang of it, no one game of Dominion is exactly like another because of the randomness. So far its been four player games, but I see some two player games in our future. Quick and lots of fun.

Bejeweled Blitz

10 Jul

Hello, my name is Erin, and I’m an addict. I’ve been playing Bejeweled since the 90s. For years, I played the game as it was intended to be played, casually.

Then came Bejeweled Blitz. Not only was it Bejeweled in handy 1 minute increments so, but it kept score. I had friends who played. Then my dad and my brother started playing, and I was lost.

Now, I have rules for how often I can spend my coins (I have over 200,000), know the schedule for free boosts, and can lose hours to the game. Casual has left the building.

100 Words On

topics explored in exactly 100 words