Geek Girl Con

27 Feb

Geek Girls Unite! Or at least come together for a great party. Boy geeks are invited, too.

I have sent in my volunteer application for the Geek Girl Con this October in Seattle. Besides being a geek girl myself (and no, I don’t care how old I am, I will never think of myself as a “woman”), I think it’s always nice to remind actual girls (you know, the young ones) that they are not alone, and that it is fun to be a geek.

If you’re looking for something to do in October, keep the Geek Girls in mind.

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3 Responses

  1. kimbertastic says:

    This is awesome! I found you using the 'geek' tag here on WP, but this is some great information, Im moving to seattle in October and this would be a great thing to cover for our blog!

  2. Lavigne says:

    wow,Geek Girl Con,cool

  3. juggler5 says:


    I just came across your blog, and I think it's awesome! You are good with the written word! I will definitely be checking back here regularly!

    If you are interested, check out my blogs, too! I manage two at the moment: deals with finding beauty in the geek, be it video games, comic books, or whatever. is my newer blog, in which I review underground board games and give my two cents on them.

    Great job! Keep up the good work!


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