Posts Tagged ‘rock band 3’

Rock Band

13 Jul

We recently bought Rock Band 3. We’ve been enjoying it so much, we bought the keyboard for it. Now I have to wait for it to arrive via UPS. But I am very excited. I figure I may even be able to play on hard on keyboard, since I actually know how to play a keyboard.

We also ordered Lego Rock Band, and I’m excited for that to arrive, too. Tons of great songs (including The Final Countdown by Europe). Almost all of our entertainment dollars this summer have gone to Rock Band. I’m not complaining. It’s entertainment that lasts.

Rock Band

05 Jul

Bought Rock Band 3 for the husband as part of his birthday gift. We’ve been playing it a lot recently and really enjoying ourselves. We’ve downloaded some songs from the network (Flogging Molly and Stroke 9) as well as other songs newly available (Fleetwood Mac). There has been singing and guitar and drum playing. Now at the point we’re considering a keyboard purchase.

My favorite video games have always been cooperative, so I think, that even if the music games are falling out of fashion (as the Game Stop guys claimed), we’ll be playing Rock Band for years to come.

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