Posts Tagged ‘prop 8’

Marriage Equality at the Supreme Court

25 Mar

Tomorrow, the US Supreme Court begins the first of two days of hearings regarding marriage equality. On Tuesday, it will be whether California’s Prop 8 is legal (there are ways to get rid of Prop 8 without deciding the issue for the rest of the country). On Wednesday, it will look at the national Defense of Marriage Act versus states’ rights (which could also be decided without deciding the national question).

While it would be nice to have marriage equality throughout the country as chosen by the voters, it is past time for someone to just say equal is equal.

Bonus Current Events Content: Just because you’re gay…

15 Jun

Why do some people seem to think that the historically most prejudiced people out there (straight white males) are the only ones capable of being impartial?

Given the legal precedents, I did not really expect this ruling to come out any differently. Still, it’s nice to hear our legal system affirm being gay does not invalidate Judge Vauhgn Walker’s ruling in the California Prop 8 case. It was treated by reviewing Judge James Ware just like any other discrimination case. Women are capable of presiding over gender discrimination cases; blacks and Hispanics are capable of presiding over racial discrimination cases.

It Knows No Political Boundaries

29 Aug

That’s right folks, even someone with the conservative bona fides of having been George W Bush’s campaign manager and chairman of the Republican National Committee can be gay. I want you to sit and think about the people this man has worked with and about the attitudes he has faced year in and year out. Now tell me this is a choice.

Kudos to Mehlman. Thank you for being willing to be yourself in public. Thank you for what you plan to do. The world needs people like you, whether I agree with the rest of your politics or not.

Prop 8 goes down

04 Aug

In the course of human history, we have proven over and over again that separate is never equal. One more step was taken toward equal rights for all US citizens today, and once again, it was taken by a Republican appointed judge.

Some will say that Judge Walker ruled against Prop 8 because he is gay. This was known before the trial but the Prop 8 proponents did not petition for a new judge. The truth is, it all comes down to either we believe that all men were created equal, or we don’t. I know which side I’m on.

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topics explored in exactly 100 words