Posts Tagged ‘mars rover’


02 Aug

Humans can’t go to Mars just yet. We have to settle for sending rovers to the surface and living through pictures taken by telescopes (like the picture in this post from the Hubble spacecraft). But even if we have to visit Mars vicariously, this week we can still do it “live”. The Slooh Space Camera is webcasting live views of Mars August 1 through 3. The webcasts will include commentary from NASA scientists.

Of course, on Sunday, the newest Mars Rover will land on the planet, and the hunt for water will begin again. It’s called “Curiosity” for a reason.

Back to Mars

22 Nov

On Saturday, the Mars Science Laboratory mission takes it’s next big step- the launch of the next Mars rover, the Curiosity. It will take almost 9 months to reach the Red Planet, and be lowered to the planet in a brand new method, using a rocket powered sky crane  and cables.

Stop and think about everything in that last paragraph- Mars Rover, rocket powered sky crane, the Red Planet. How cool does all of that sound. How cool is all of that? Doesn’t it make you want to be a rocket scientist? Why couldn’t I have been better at Physics?

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