Posts Tagged ‘Mars’

Martian Curiosity

16 Jan

Curious about Mars? The rover Curiosity is still going strong on the Martian surface and should begin drilling down into the planet’s crust sometime in the next few weeks. While NASA is still in contact with the rover Opportunity, neither it, nor the rover Spirit, were able to do more than peel away rock layers. Curiosity will be able to drill several inches down to collect samples.

Curiosity is running a bit behind schedule, but not for technical reasons. Scientists were so interested in what it was “seeing” that they had it linger at the previous location longer than expected.


06 Aug

Curious about Mars? So is most of NASA, and last night, the new Curiosity rover arrived on Mars safe and sound after 8 months of travel. Just like a good teenager, it texted it’s safe arrival back home and shortly after landing posted some sight seeing pictures.

The plan is for Curiosity to be working and sending back data for two years, though scientists hope it will last longer than that. And they have good reason to hope. The Spirit andOpportunityrovers landed in 2004. Spirit stopped working after 6 years.Opportunityis still sending data home.

Congratulations NASA.


02 Aug

Humans can’t go to Mars just yet. We have to settle for sending rovers to the surface and living through pictures taken by telescopes (like the picture in this post from the Hubble spacecraft). But even if we have to visit Mars vicariously, this week we can still do it “live”. The Slooh Space Camera is webcasting live views of Mars August 1 through 3. The webcasts will include commentary from NASA scientists.

Of course, on Sunday, the newest Mars Rover will land on the planet, and the hunt for water will begin again. It’s called “Curiosity” for a reason.

Space Race

22 Aug

It’s no secret that I’m a huge fan of space exploration. And as such, I love the idea of a new space race- the race to Mars. We’re still a minimum of ten years out, probably closer to 20 or more- NASA is thinking mid-2030s, but Europe and Russia have teamed together to attempt a mission, as well.

I shouldn’t get too excited- but Mars in my lifetime? How cool is that. I know we went to the moon then never went back, but still, Mars, a whole other planet.

All I really have to say is “On your marks…”

100 Words On

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