Posts Tagged ‘not msn money’

Repeat: Report Discrimination (even if you’re not the victim)

05 Aug

Discrimination is bad. It’s bad for the person being discriminated against; it’s bad for their team. Reporting discrimination is not an easy thing, whether you’re the victim or an observer, but it is the right thing.

Forget the fact that obvious racial/religious/nationality discrimination opens the company up to a lawsuit. Forget the fact that the victim could report it himself “if it bothered him”.. It bothered you. You noticed it. The rest of your team noticed it. It made you mad.

People being victimized can’t always see clearly. Do the right thing, even if it is not the easy thing.

Weddings & Money

29 Jul

It is wedding season. Not just in real life, but over at Your Money as well, where a number of posters are engaged, getting married this year, or just going to weddings.

Active threads this week have included What is considered expensive for a wedding venue? (self explanatory), Wedding Debt? (a discussion about whether people would go in to debt for their wedding), Wedding UGHH (talk about how much to spend on wedding gifts), Our Wedding Gifts Breakdown (again, fairly self explanatory), and a Spin off of wedding gifts thread (about useless gifts, whether received at the wedding or otherwise).

Become Debt Free with the Women in Red

22 Jul

I’ve mentioned the Women in Red message board here before, but I’m going to plug it again, as we’re trying to grow our membership. We used to have members directed to us via MSN and MP Dunleavy, but since we’ve had to move to a new site we don’t get a lot of new traffic.

Do you want to be debt free? Do you need motivation, maybe some help figuring out your personal strategy to achieve that goal? Head on over to the Women in Red (you don’t even have to be a woman) and put yourself on the path.

How do you decide?

15 Jul

Is it worth it?

For many people, money, which seems so concrete in its value, does not really hold value in and of itself. That can get them in financial trouble if they don’t have another way to value goods and services.

This thread talks about the system on person used after filing bankruptcy to determine whether something was worth it or not. In his case, he used his time- is this worth working X number of hours?

Other people use favorite goods- is this worth 5 cases of beer?

Whatever system you use, it’s a way of assigning value.

Hiding your success?

08 Jul

Even on a money message board where we are all there to talk about money, it seems that a lot of people are afraid of actually talking about money.

I got a promotion a year ago. It came with a significant raise.

If I were going on a cruise, it would never occur to hide the information in case friends and family looked up my trip to see how much I spent. If they wanted to know, they could ask me.

I do not think money should be a taboo subject, and I’d actually like to work toward changing that.

Is the Recession Over?

01 Jul

One of my husband’s favorite sayings is “we’re all going to be eating rats”. He uses it whenever we go out to a shopping center or restaurant and there aren’t many people there.

Things do appear to be picking up. Is the economy that much better? Are people just tired of not spending? Is it that there are now fewer places to shop/ eat, so there’s a higher concentration of people in the places that are open?

I still don’t think people are back to spending “like the good old days” as this thread asks, but consumer behavior is changing.

Love your job?

26 Jun

Young adults get a lot of career advice, advice along the lines of “find your passion”, “love what you do and you’ll never work a day in your life,” etc. It sounds great, but for most of us, I’m calling bullshit.

For one, no matter how much you love your job, some days will be work. And for others, turning their passion into their job just causes them to lose the passion.

So, no, for those of you who are wondering, you don’t have to love your job. You have to like it well enough to go back on Monday.

Don’t quit your job without a plan

17 Jun

This is an older thread that I wanted to link back to because I think it contains some very good information.

The gist: even if you’re unhappy and not working to your potential, it’s not a good idea to quit you job if you don’t have another job lined up or savings in place to cover your bills.

Also, people lose a lot of sympathy for you when you play the I’m too special, you don’t agree with me so I’m going to take my ball and go home card. Everyone is unique- the corporate world doesn’t care; grow up.

Saving or Spending?

10 Jun

I love this thread because it talks about something I rant about all the time. Just because you are shopping a sale does not mean you are saving money. Sure, you might be saving 50%, but if you did not go to the store, then you would have saved 100%.

I agree with the people who say its savings only if you needed the item and would have paid full price for it. Though I also like the idea of taking the “savings” and making it actual savings- transfer it to the savings account. Now, you have actually saved money.

Retirement Articles

03 Jun

There are a million retirement articles out there that tell you what milestones you should be hitting to retire a millionaire, or at least have a comfortable retirement. The thing is, a lot of us aren’t going to meet these milestones, though some people will.

Others, due to time spent in college, may not meet early milestones but will be able to have a comfortable retirement due to increased earnings later.

It can all be very confusing, and it’s nice to have people to talk to about whether or not by 35 you should have 1.4 times your salary saved.

100 Words On

topics explored in exactly 100 words