Archive for August, 2011


12 Aug

We have a timeshare. Buying the timeshare was not one of the smartest things we’ve ever done, but I don’t regret it. It made our week long trip to England financially feasible. We’ve had some great weekends in the Vancouver and Victoria, BC areas because of it. Honestly, no regrets, even when I pay the dues.

But sometimes we need to remember how to say No. Timeshares give away free trips if you just attend a presentation because its not that hard to get people to say Yes. Remember, when you need to say No, say it, and no regrets.

I LIKE Green Beans

11 Aug

I just happen to be incredibly picky about them.

Both my parents are shaking their heads in disbelief. I hate green beans. Hate them. I still get a gag reflex when I try and eat them. Or, that’s the case when I try and eat canned or frozen green beans, and don’t even get me started on French cut.

But, as it turns out, its not that I don’t like green beans. Fresh, steamed green beans are really good. A lot of Thai basil dishes come with the fresh, crispy steamed green beans and I really like them. So there.

Movie Review: Sherlock Holmes

10 Aug

I had forgotten this movie was directed by Guy Ritchie, but when I saw his name in the closing credits, it all made sense- well, more sense, anyway. I’m not certain what I think of pugilistic Holmes and Watson.

At just over 2 hours, this movie was way too long. When Robert Downey, Jr. and Jude Law were on screen together, it was really good. The chemistry between the two worked better than I could have imagined. Sadly, they were not always on screen, let alone on screen together. Any scene without their banter was not worth staying awake for.

I Still Don’t Have a Phone

09 Aug

I am done. Really. Just done.

After the BlackBerry debacle, I ordered a non-smart phone. Because I wanted to have it while the husband was away for a week, I ordered a Nextel phone. Turns out, unlike Sprint phones, Nextel phones require SIM cards. Naturally, the one I ordered did not come with one.

So, I ordered a SIM card. It arrived the day the husband got back. And guess what? It’s not the right SIM card, despite the seller claiming it is. So the phone still doesn’t work.

At this point, I’m not even certain I want a phone.

Movie Review: Princess and the Frog

08 Aug

I love Disney movies. That said, I am more than willing to admit that some are better than others. In the modern era, I tend to rank things on the scale of Hercules (worst) to Beauty and the Beast (best).

I finally had the chance to sit down and watch the Princess and the Frog. It was enjoyable, though none of the songs really stood out to me and I really never understood the main villain’s motivation. It was better than Hunchback overall, but not as good as Mulan, putting it closer to Hercules than Beauty, but still not bad.

Movie Review: Secretariat

07 Aug

I always knew I’d end up watching Secretariat; it’s a horse movie. I love horses. The thing was, I knew the ending, so I was not certain how they’d hold my attention. They held it with honest performances, a simple story line, and beautiful shots of horses running.

Diane Laneand John Malkovich were perfect (this is not a surprise), and the supporting cast was well rounded with faces I knew but did not detract from the story.

The movie kept me awake on a night when I was exhausted, which is about the highest compliment I can give it.

Mission to Jupiter

06 Aug

My love of the Astronomy Picture of the Day site means I’m excited about NASA’s new Juno Mission to Jupiter. Even better pictures than Voyager! A camera dedicated to a public feed so that we can all see what they are seeing! Sure, the probe won’t get there for 5 years, but imagine!

There will be 3 Lego figurines aboard Juno. They will depict Galileo, who was the first to discover 4 of Jupiter’s moons, as well as the Roman gods, Jupiter and his wife Juno.

It may not be a shuttle, but NASA is still doing some cool stuff.

Repeat: Report Discrimination (even if you’re not the victim)

05 Aug

Discrimination is bad. It’s bad for the person being discriminated against; it’s bad for their team. Reporting discrimination is not an easy thing, whether you’re the victim or an observer, but it is the right thing.

Forget the fact that obvious racial/religious/nationality discrimination opens the company up to a lawsuit. Forget the fact that the victim could report it himself “if it bothered him”.. It bothered you. You noticed it. The rest of your team noticed it. It made you mad.

People being victimized can’t always see clearly. Do the right thing, even if it is not the easy thing.

Return to the Sea

04 Aug

Yesterday, a giant sea turtle was returned to the sea, healthy, and apparently happy to be back.

I like this kind of story. Given that endangered species are in general endangered because of humans, it’s nice when we’re also responsible for saving one life.

Granted, the poor thing was probably injured by a boat to begin with, but we don’t know for certain. Surfers brought the turtle to shore and a lot of people worked very hard to save his life. I love that an orthodontist was brought in to put braces on his shell to help close the holes.

Science Content: Invisibility Cloak

03 Aug

Invisibility cloak? Who’s spying on me, I wonder.

Actually, I have to ask, does the invisibility cloak actually work when something is placed on top of it? Because the size of object we are talking about (smaller than a hair) I can make invisible with any cloak or blanket or whatever by throwing one over it. The object is too small for the human eye to discern it under something bulkier.

Not that I am mocking. I actually think this is really cool technology, and I hope these folks get the funding, time, and bodies they need to do more.

100 Words On

topics explored in exactly 100 words