Posts Tagged ‘food’

Holiday Food

27 Dec

My house is full of left overs. That’s the way it should be. One of my favorite things about the holidays is the food. While we occasionally make a turkey breast during the year, we only make a full on turkey at Thanksgiving. For Christmas this year we had a New York roast and a ham. (I love ham sandwiches.) In addition, we have an amazing spinach casserole made by one of our guests, steamed carrots and green beans (plain and with a balsamic glaze) white chocolate cheesecake, apple pie, and butterscotch chip cookies. The world is a happy place.


16 Sep

I am not the cook in the family. Still, there are some basic meals that I make. These are simple, comfort food type things- like cream of beef (aka chipped beef or Army SOS). When I make dinner, I follow the recipe. I don’t vary from it, except to maybe add more of the flavors I like.

Tonight, though, I made cream of beef but we were out of Worcestershire sauce. Instead I used a bit of soy sauce and some onion soup mix to help flavor my meat. And while it tasted a little different, it was still good.

Meat Coma

21 Aug

We finally had the opportunity to eat at a Brazilian Steak House. This was a little difficult for me because my braces make it hard to eat anything that requires being chewed by the molars. Luckily, the pieces were in general cut thin enough that there were only three things I ended up not being able to eat.

The chicken was amazing. The cinnamon pineapple superb. And the fried plantains? Like being transported back to my Nana’s banana pudding. Talk about delicious.

Oh, and while it never occurred to me to sugar grapes, sugared grapes make a pretty great desert.

I LIKE Green Beans

11 Aug

I just happen to be incredibly picky about them.

Both my parents are shaking their heads in disbelief. I hate green beans. Hate them. I still get a gag reflex when I try and eat them. Or, that’s the case when I try and eat canned or frozen green beans, and don’t even get me started on French cut.

But, as it turns out, its not that I don’t like green beans. Fresh, steamed green beans are really good. A lot of Thai basil dishes come with the fresh, crispy steamed green beans and I really like them. So there.

100 Words On

topics explored in exactly 100 words