Posts Tagged ‘sherlock holmes’


17 Jan

We’re probably the last of our friends to finally catch an episode of the new Sherlock, a modern day reboot of classic Sherlock Holmes. And it does appear that Masterpiece Mystery will be playing more episodes, so hopefully we’ll see those as well. (I think there are three total.)

C is a fan of the Sherlock Holmes books, so he tends to be pretty picky about the adaptations. We both enjoyed this one, mostly because it focused on the spirit of Holmes and Watson and did not worry about the rest (I guess that’s the joy of making it modern).

Movie Review: Sherlock Holmes

10 Aug

I had forgotten this movie was directed by Guy Ritchie, but when I saw his name in the closing credits, it all made sense- well, more sense, anyway. I’m not certain what I think of pugilistic Holmes and Watson.

At just over 2 hours, this movie was way too long. When Robert Downey, Jr. and Jude Law were on screen together, it was really good. The chemistry between the two worked better than I could have imagined. Sadly, they were not always on screen, let alone on screen together. Any scene without their banter was not worth staying awake for.

100 Words On

topics explored in exactly 100 words