Archive for November, 2010

Xenophobic Marketing

20 Nov

Is xenophobia really a marketing platform?

There’s a commercial that’s been running for a few months for a local company. It advertises that it is a local company and that is supports local charities. I appreciate both of these things, and at this point, I’m on board.

But, they warn me, if I don’t ask specifically for their product, I might get a product that was made by a “foreign company” that supports “foreign causes”. (This company employs people in our state.)

And… They’ve lost me. Especially since they show the foreign company supporting more causes than the local one.

Fund Raising

19 Nov

154 Republicans voted against extending jobless benefits for those out of work more than 6 months. Those benefits start expiring Dec 1, right in the heart of the holiday season.  When our economy is looking for a nice big boost of retail spending, over two million families will be trying to figure out how to live on $1200/month less. Can’t extend those benefits unless we can pay for them.

But heaven forbid we let tax cuts for families making over $250k/year ($20,800/month) expire. If I were trying to raise money, I know which neighborhood I’d be knocking on doors in.

MythBusters (ep 154)

18 Nov

Sometimes you start missing the little things when one of your favorite things grows up and becomes popular with everyone. In this episode, for the first time I am aware of, the MythBusters were not allowed to name the make and model of a care they were using in a myth. Would Porsche not let them, or was it because they have a sponsorship deal with VW?

But anyway, the car is more aerodynamic facing forward.

And surfboards break when crashed in to hard things at high speeds. Doesn’t anyone who has ever watched a surfing movie already know this?

Jobs, Gates, and shades of gray

17 Nov

In a customer review for a (non-iPad) tablet on Amazon, someone wrote that all they wanted was to be able to use MS Word, right out of the box. Imagine their surprise, and discontent when they realized it didn’t come with any Microsoft products!

Here’s the thing– the tablet is not a Microsoft product. It’s not even Windows based. In fact, the description clearly states it has an Android OS. So why would they think it should be pre-loaded with MS products? Is it because for some people, if it’s not from Steve Jobs, it must be from Bill Gates?

Nobody’s Perfect

16 Nov

“China Details Activits in Mental Hospitals” You won’t see this headline on MSN now, as its been changed to “China holds activists in mental wards” but I loved the original, misspelled, and misleading headline. What are activits? Why would you detail them in mental wards? Maybe they’re hallucinations?

I have heard (thank you Candace Dempsey) that at MSN the policy is “Get it up, then get it right”.  I know none of us are perfect, but every once in a while, its nice to see proof of it in black and white, even if it lasts less than five minutes.

Freelance Writing

15 Nov

Had a good time at the panel on getting started in freelance writing put on by the Seattle Writergrrls. The panel included two established freelance journalists– Amanda Castleman and Candace Dempsey- and Gary Marshall, a literary attorney.

Highlights of the talk included negotiating kill fees- what you get if they accept your story but decide to never run it (on a pay after publish contract, versus a pay on receipt contract)- and negotiating first publishing rights only, so that you as the author maintain ownership of your work.

The best part, though, was the chance to network with other writers.

WRONG – Unequivocally, Irrevocably, Undeniably WRONG

14 Nov

If there is one thing I have disagreed with President Obama about from the very beginning, it was his decision not to go after those in our government who condoned torture. If your lawyer told you it was okay, then we need to arrest him, too. US soldiers are told they have a duty to ignore unlawful orders. This is all established case law since Nuremburg, and it should apply to everyone in our government. And now we know Bush didn’t just condone, but enthusiastically approved.

Lets make things perfectly clear: Waterboarding is TORTURE. Torture is WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG.

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (4)

13 Nov

The Pentagon is gets it. The soldiers get it (as the Pentagon’s opinion is formed by survey responses from the soldiers). We know courts get it, and the President gets it. So why doesn’t Congress get it? Why can’t Congress see that it is time to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell?

Is it because the average Congressman is twice as old as the average active duty soldier? Or because Congress only has a 14% minority population compared to 25% of our soldiers?

Congress- listen to the people you represent, all of us. It is time. Repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.

Being a Feminist (5)

12 Nov

I believe in equal pay for equal work. I don’t believe legislation is the answer. We need to teach our daughters that it is okay to ask. Girls don’t need to be boys, but we need them to have a sense of self worth. We need to not label them “bitches” when they speak up. If a behavior is celebrated in a man, why shouldn’t it be celebrated in a woman? And if it isn’t appropriate behavior for a woman, why is it appropriate for a man? The double standard is a societal construct and can’t be removed with legislation.

MythBusters (ep 153)

11 Nov


I love these episodes. I do have to say my favorite of the night was the tuxedo under the scuba gear. I thought that was pretty fun.

Also, I now know that it is very important to know where in my laptop the battery is located and to make sure that I put that section between me and any guns that might be pointed in my direction. However, I wish they had found out what kind of refrigerator had been used. I’d bet one of the high end stainless steel sub-zero models has a chance of stopping a bullet.

100 Words On

topics explored in exactly 100 words