Archive for August, 2010


11 Aug

As someone who has been on both sides of tech support calls, I know how much people hate hearing the question “Have you rebooted?” or pressed reset, or whatever it takes to make the device go through its standard protocols.

But it does fix things, as I was reminded of once again this morning. Last night, my phone decided that it couldn’t get a signal. It could- the phone was connecting and I could hear the other side, but they couldn’t hear me. Same problem this morning. So, I popped out the battery and popped it back in. All fixed.

The Colony (2)

10 Aug

Watching The Colony. It is one of those things that, I guess, can never be realistic enough. There are camera people there, and you know you signed up for an experiment. No matter what stress they put you under, you know it is not real, and that its for a limited time.

Tonight’s example- we’re told in the introduction that they are supposed to “rebuild” but they are afraid of people finding out that they are rebuilding and wanting to come to the area. Apparently, they know how to rebuild a house. They have no idea about rebuilding a society.


09 Aug

Started back up on WoW. Enjoying playing, and am concentrating on that. I now have two characters at 71- my original main hunter and now my priest. I’m really liking my priest and guess that she will soon be my main character.

I’m also enjoying playing my mage. My priest usually runs around with a Death Knight, but I play my mage solo, so she’s been dying a lot, which is frustrating. Mostly it means I need to learn how to better play her.

I kind of miss my warrior, though, so I might start playing her again soon, too.

On being a humanist

08 Aug

I respect your beliefs, and occasionally am even jealous of your faith. It is not that I don’t believe in God; it is not that I don’t know what to believe; it is that I find it all strictly academic and irrelevant to life here and now.

There are wonderful people of all religions serving others, but at the same time, humanity has spent way too many years killing each other over what happens when we die.

My desire is to make this world, this life, as good as it can be for everyone. I’ll face what happens after, after.

Washington Midsummer Renaissance Faire

07 Aug

I love going to the Renaissance Faire every year. There’s food, shopping, and great live performances. We started the day with the joust- four beautiful horses and some fairly skilled people riding them.

Afterwards, it was time for food- quarter chickens, cornbread, and brick o’ curly fries for us, turkey legs and crepes for our friends.

Then shopping – a new tricorn hat that will complete an outfit for each of us.

And finally, tow wonderful musical performances from Alexander James Adams and the BOWI Band.

Now if only the clouds had prevented the sun from turning my shoulders bright red.

Give me a civil union

06 Aug

If you really, really believe that marriage is a religious institution, like baptism, or ordaining of priests and clergy, that’s fine. I say let marriage, as a word, be between you, your church, and your God.

But please don’t try and involve my government in your discrimination. If you want marriage to be religious, than our government should pay it as much mind as it does baptism.

Personally,  I would fully support the government getting out of the marriage business. For legal purposes, call them all civil unions. The words you use don’t actually change my relationship one little bit.

Prop 8 goes down

04 Aug

In the course of human history, we have proven over and over again that separate is never equal. One more step was taken toward equal rights for all US citizens today, and once again, it was taken by a Republican appointed judge.

Some will say that Judge Walker ruled against Prop 8 because he is gay. This was known before the trial but the Prop 8 proponents did not petition for a new judge. The truth is, it all comes down to either we believe that all men were created equal, or we don’t. I know which side I’m on.

My Favorite Books: The Dresden Files (series) by Jim Butcher

03 Aug

We came to Butcher’s Dresden novels through the short lived series, the Dresden Files. I loved the series, and having read the books, I think they did a great job of casting. But there are things you can do in novels that you can’t do on television (limited budget and all).

The Dresden books are great dark urban fantasy pulpy fun. They make for great travel novels, making it easy to escape in to the world, but not being so complex that it is difficult to get back in to them after having to set them down for a minute.

Movies: Happy Feet

02 Aug

We watched Happy Feet the other night. I love movie’s with music; I enjoy animated films, and penguins are the cute animal du jour. But the movie left me overwhelmingly under whelmed.

First off, it might as well have been called Fern Gully Antarctica, right down a crazy character voiced by Robin Williams. Secondly, if you’re going to be that heavy handed in your message, could you maybe stick to one message?

Its not that I disagree with the pro-environment, anti-religion, honor thy children (to an extent), and we’re all okay messages, it was that it was all too much.

Organization (or the lack thereof)

01 Aug

At work, I am completely organized. I know where everything is (even if its that pile of papers over there waiting for me to get to them.) At home, I let chaos reign. But for the most part, I would still say that I know where everything important is. Until today.

I have a spiffy new office where I thought I would finally get to frame and display my degrees. And two days ago, I would have told you I knew where both were. Today, I have found 2 copies of my BA, but the MBA is missing in action.

100 Words On

topics explored in exactly 100 words