Archive for the ‘Pets’ Category

Blog Feature: Rescued Insanity

07 Apr

Kristine (and Shiva) of Rescued Insanity just celebrated their 2nd blogging anniversary. I haven’t even been reading the blog for a year, so I’m glad they’ve stuck around this long and hope they’re around for another 2+ years.

Her post on Friday, Does Your Dog Have a Theme Song? has had me thinking all night about that. Do June and Larry have a theme song? Did Moree or Smokey? What about little Howie? And honestly, I’m going to be thinking about this for like a week or more- until I come up with theme songs for my dog. Sad, huh?

Blog Feature: Budgeting in the Fun Stuff

31 Mar

Crystal at Budgeting in the Fun Stuff represents the dream come true for a lot of bloggers out there- she was able to quit her job to focus on her blogging and blog advertising businesses full time. And not only did she make more money than she had before, she made enough that this year, her husband was able to quit his job and start working full time on the blog with her!

And all of that is great, but the real reason I chose to feature BiFS this week? They just brought home their third rescue dog. Meet Oreo!

Blog Feature: Bringing Up Bella

24 Mar

Bringing Up Bella is dedicated to Leslie’s current dog, Bella. She’s a sweet little thing, but has some “issues”- such as extreme fear of thunderstorms (which I completely understand).While she is definitely loved and adored, Bella is not Leslie’s first dog, and we all know how hard it can be for the new dog to stack up against the old dog. We get a good look at their differences in Opposites Distract. But the thing Leslie really does remember is that it’s not about the dog that was, it’s about the dog that is, even if she’s Not Quite Perfect.

Welcome DST

11 Mar

For the first time ever, I looked forward to the switch to Daylight Savings time. Not because I wanted to get up earlier- I hate mornings. And I will miss having natural light when I leave for work (at least for now). No, this year I welcomed it because of Mr Larry Dog. The short daylight hours after C and I were both home in the evening over the winter made it really difficult to get to the dog park on a regular basis. An hour of daylight relocated to the end of the day will actually make a difference.

Blog Feature: Love & a Six-Foot Leash

10 Mar

Love & a Six-Foot Leash is the blog of a family that recently moved to Austin. They have an older pit bull, Chick, and have been fostering Pits for quite some time. Chick has put up with the fosters, but with their latest foster dog, Snickerdoodle, Sir Chick fell in love. He found his brother from another mother, and guess what, the Dude is staying with the family, and going back to school.

They will stop fostering, with two of their own now, but hopefully they won’t stop blogging, as I’m looking forward to the adventures of Chick and Dude.

Pet Custody Battles (and bad reporting)

29 Feb

I have no doubt that custody disputes involving pets are on the rise. It makes sense to me. What does not make sense to me is the argument that the increase is due to “breakups in same-sex marriages, civil unions and domestic partnerships”.

Breakups have always happened between people living together but not married. Maybe because now that there’s actual legal status to these relationships, causing lawyers to be involved, lawyers think the fights are more common

Still better arguments are that more people own pets, and the way pets are viewed in society is changing from property to family.

Blog Feature: The House of Two Bows

25 Feb

The House of Two Bows is called such because of their Shiba Inu Bowdu and their Basenji Bowpi. They are both beautiful dogs, and one of my favorite things about this blog is her pictures. For February, she’s taking one picture every day and posting it. My favorite so far is this one from just last Monday- Bowpi being chased by the mini-Aussies and a Sheltie. How adorable!

M.C. also tracks their pet spending and does some great reviews of different kinds of dog foods. If you’re interested in dehydrated dog food, this is where I’m going to direct you.

Blog Feature: The Chronicles of Cardigan

11 Feb

I love Corgis. We often think “Our next dog should be a Corgi”. Mind you, we’ve been thinking this since before we got Junebug (though before we got Smokey we thought we should get a Beagle, so maybe down the road there will be a Corgi.) While I think all Corgis are cute, I am partial to the Cardigans- the ones with tails.

Currently, I get my Corgi fix via The Chronicles of Cardigan. It’s a mostly lighthearted blog that focuses on the joy dogs bring us. How can you not smile seeing these great pictures of a happy dog?

Hockey & Dogs

03 Feb

How often do I get to write a post that combines hockey and animal rescue? How happy does it make me that I get to do so today?

Over the All-Star break, St. Louis Blues’ captain, center David Backes was not playing in the game. Did he sit home and mope? Absolutely not.

His wife is very involved in animal rescue and Backes, his wife, and his flight instructor did a rescue flight fromSt LouistoHoustonand back to bring three stray dogs to the Five Acres Animal Shelter, which is no-kill.

As of today, I’m a fan.

Vets Helping Heroes

31 Jan

I love highlighting organizations like this one. I have written in other places about Pets2Vets, which helps provide companion animals to veterans. The animals come from shelters, so the soldiers aren’t just getting a pet, they’re saving a life.

Vets Helping Heroes works to help provide veterans with service dogs, which comes with a much higher expense. Currently, our federal government does not provide any assistance to veterans who would benefit from a service animal. Vets Helping Heroes is lobbying to change that, but in the meantime, they are raising funds to provide as many service animals as they can.

100 Words On

topics explored in exactly 100 words