Posts Tagged ‘role playing games’

D&D 4e: Bloodstone Pass

07 Jul

Bloodstone Pass was never officially turned in to a 4e module, but apparently the new rules make converting old modules fairly easy. We’ve been playing the Bloodstone Pass game for a few months now, and are only one (maybe two) sessions away from wrapping up the first module.

Last session, two of the player characters died (thank goodness for the rod of resurrection) and our troops were demoralized by having to kill their own (un)dead grandmothers. We’ve killed the spy, the sorcerer, and the high priest. We’ve bloodied the general. Will we survive our battle with the Grandfather of Assassins?

D&D Encounters: Dark Sun (2)

30 Jun

Four encounters in, one more before we level, and Athas is still a dangerous place. I have no healing surges left going in to our final encounter against the first level boss, and of our eight players, I think we have less than four people who still have their daily power.

Our DM, while joking about trying to kill us all, is actually a great DM who tries to introduce the fear and tension without actually playing against the characters and actively trying for a total party kill.

I’m having a good time, and even getting in some role playing.

D&D Encounters: Dark Sun

09 Jun

I went to my first session of D&D Encounters tonight. It is the start of the second round of Encounters, and is giving us a preview of the soon to be released renewed Dark Sun setting.

I’m playing the sorcerer. At 1st level, this character does equivalent damage to my 15th level bard/paladin (seriously).

Since Dark Sun is a post-apocalyptic world, it is one we have a soft spot for. Tonight, in the initial encounter, the world tried to kill us with lizard men and sandstorms. We prevailed, but barely, dragging one of our muls on a tarp behind us.

D&D 4e: Revenge of the Giants

07 Jun

On Saturday we played in an episode of the Revenge of the Giants campaign. The whole session was mostly a single combat. Sometimes, the party should run away. We didn’t party wipe. Not a single character was reduced to 0 HP. In fact, none of us even used our second wind.

But, if you are 14th level and are in the midst of fighting three level 17 Dire Winter Wolf Iceclaws and two level 18 Winter Wolf Frostbreaths when a level 21 Remorhaz shows up and swallows your Halfling, running really shouldn’t seem like a bad idea. (The Halfling survived.)

100 Words On

topics explored in exactly 100 words