Posts Tagged ‘movie review’

Movie Review: The New Muppet Movie

24 Sep

I know I am probably one of the last people on earth to have seen this movie. And it is extra sad because the roomie owns it on blu-ray, but I do not care. I LOVED the new Muppet Movie. I mean, I was pretty sure I was going to just because it was a muupet movie (I grew up on them), but this was overall really well done and had some absolutely fabulous little moments. Even small roles and cameos were cast perfectly, with great little one liners here and there. It is a treasure trove of a movie.

Movie Review: Immortals

15 Aug

C didn’t tell me the name of the movie he was putting on last night, and I wasn’t paying much attention when the opening credits rolled. Because of that, I didn’t realize until the start of the final climatic fight scene that the movie was Immortals. Or what I should say, is I hadn’t realized it was a main stream movie release.

We watch a lot of cheesy similarly themed B movies, and I thought this was one, despite the fact that the production values were high. But the acting and the script, not so much. I still enjoyed it.

Movie Review: The Island

07 Aug

I expected The Island to be a sci-fi version of The Lottery. It was, but more like a version of The Lottery mixed with Never Let Me Go. And if you know the short story and the novel, well, there are no twists left in the movie for you, so I’m sorry if I spoiled it for you.

It was a mostly enjoyable movie. I adore Ewan McGregor and Scarlet Johansson wasn’t bad. Sean Bean was the villain. I love him, and I know he plays a great bad guy, but I do wish he’d get more good guy roles.

Movie Review: The Dark Knight Rises

25 Jul

I’ve loved Christian Bale since Newsies, so I was thrilled when he was cast as Batman. I’ve found all three of these movies to be excellent. This third movie was dark- we knew it had to be after the second one. We were faced with a Bruce Wayne who was in hiding, who no longer cared about the world around him.

But it ended with hope- just a small slice of it, but hope none the less.

In the movie, Bain believed leaving people with hope was the greatest punishment. We were reminded that instead, it is the greatest gift.

Movie Review: 21 Jump Street

18 Jul

I wasn’t a huge fan of the original21 Jump Street, as I didn’t live somewhere that I could  watch it until after Richard Grieco left the show. (And no, I didn’t watch his spin-off Booker, but then, no one did.) But the season or two I saw, I liked.

This last weekend, we watched the new21 Jump Streetmovie. Did I like it? Not so much. The show was a drama, the movie was a comedy filled with boy humor.

The show appealed to girls. The movie was made for boys. No wonder it wasn’t a huge hit.

Movie Review: Legion

24 Jun

I wanted to like Legion- I mean, an apocalypse movie with angel vs angels, starring Paul Bettany and Dennis Quaid -definitely the kind of film that we enjoy in our house. As a writer I know there are only so many stories out there, but did they really need to steal the exact plot from Terminator?

And really, given that the apocalypse mostly just resulted in a lot of deaths, what was the darkness that the baby was going to need to lead them out of?

I liked the actors. I liked the concept. The execution, however, was just poor.

Movie Review: Zombieland

21 Jun

Let me start by saying that I am not the target audience for Zombieland. I don’t like horror films. I don’t watch zombie movies. We watched this one because it was billed more as a comedy than a zombie movie. But as a comedy, it was only so-so. As an action movie, it was only so-so. As an action comedy, it just kind of fell flat- not as much comedy or action as I would have liked. The interlude with Bill Murray ended in a wholly predictable manner (a manner that the characters should have been able to predict, too).

Movie Review: Goon

20 Jun

I admit it. I loved Goon. Sean William Scott is one of my favorite young actors, and this role was just perfect for him. Allison Pill was adorable. Jay Baruchel was having fun. Liev Schreiber was also great, but honestly, my favorite bit of casting was Kim Coates as the coach.

This was a fun hockey movie, examining the role we all associate with hockey but rarely make movies about- the goon, the enforcer, the guy whose sole job is to give and take hits, give and take punches, to protect his more skilled teammates from those hits and punches.

Movie Review: Captain America

14 Jun

I was surprised by the sadness of the ending. I know Cap came about in WWII, and they had to bring him forward to the modern day for The Avengers, but I was not expecting them to basically make him lose everything right before the end of the movie. His best friend dies- he at least gets revenge for that. Then he crashes the plane and remains buried under ice for almost 70 years. Sure he’s still alive but everyone he loves is dead. That sucks, and is an unusual note for a super hero movie to leave us on.

Movie Review: Thor

13 Jun

I actually expected Thor to be a worse movie than it was. That’s a ringing endorsement if I’ve ever written one. Natalie Portman and Chris Hemsworth were both adorable. The storyline wasn’t great, and I thought that maybe more time should have passed on Earth for Thor to learn humility, but it still worked for what it was.

Of course, we know Thor is back for The Avengers, so we did wonder if they had meant Thor 2 to come out before that movie, since this one ends with Thor supposedly being trapped inValhalla, with no path to Earth.

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