Posts Tagged ‘lord of the rings’

Movie Review: The Hobbit

22 Jan

Geek confession time- I’ve never read Tolkien. I did tremendously enjoy Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy, and looked forward to seeing The Hobbit. I am amused that he was able to keep three really long books to a movie each but has decided to turn the shortest of the books into three movies of its own.

I enjoyed The Hobbit tremendously. Martin Freeman is the perfect Bilbo, and the dwarves were differentiated well enough to keep track of who was who. The action was very well done, though I am happy we did not see it in 3D.

My Favorite Console Games: Lord of the Rings Third Age

28 Nov

Because when I’m sick, I like to sit in the comfy chair in the living room and play old console games. I spent a good portion of this weekend playing Third Age.

It is a turn based not quite strategy, not quite RPG. You go from point A to point B. You have some choice when it comes to character skill development.

This is the first time I’ve played it on the 360, so I’m starting all over from the beginning. It feels a little like cheating though, because I know what skills I need and when I need them.

100 Words On

topics explored in exactly 100 words