Posts Tagged ‘japan’

Science and Sci-Fi

14 Aug

We all know I’m a geek. I have admitted this over and over again here on this blog, and yet today, I think I had one of my geekiest moments ever. Please tell me I’m not the only one who saw this headline: “Japan nuclear disaster caused mutated butterflies” and thought MOTHRA! Because to me, that is the only logical conclusion one can come to after reading the headline.

In good news for those who don’t want to seeTokyodestroyed by giant monsters, it actually appears that the mutations are making the butterflies (or at least their wings) smaller.

The Disaster in Japan

14 Mar

The magnitude of the disaster in Japan is growing. I had such hopes that the number of dead would remain in the hundreds. As of this morning, 2,800 were confirmed dead, but with suspicions of 10s of thousands more.

The earthquake, tsunami, aftershocks, and explosions at the nuclear power plant are causing devastation not known in that country since the end of WWII.  Hopefully, an outpouring of aid will commence. Their government is not equipped to handle a disaster on this scale.

To my friends who have friends and family in the country- I hope your loved ones are safe.

100 Words On

topics explored in exactly 100 words