Posts Tagged ‘invisibility cloak’

Invisibility Cloak Science for Broadband

23 Aug

Despite the fact that I have written about the invisibility cloak twice (here and here) that’s not what I’m excited about. Yes, it’s proof that the science is sound, but read what Kymeta is doing- in two to three years, they plan to have a device out that will enable people anywhere in the world to have broadband access to the internet, at a not super high cost. And since it creates a hotspot, not everyone will need one. Towns, villages even, could invest in this to provide internet access for their citizens.

Broadband for the entire world? Yes please.

Science Content: Invisibility Cloak (2)

29 Mar

You read that right- (2). In August I wrote about a different invisibility cloak, one that was bending light rays around objects to make them so they couldn’t be seen. The latest invisibility cloak is not meant to trick your eyes, but to trick sensors, specifically, heat sensors. So yes, it’s more of a heat shield than an invisibility cloak, but the purpose is really the same.

Of course, what it seems like we’ll really use this thermal diffusion ability for is to make our computers run quieter, by getting make them cooler and therefore eliminating the need for fans.

100 Words On

topics explored in exactly 100 words