Posts Tagged ‘compromise’

Compromise in Relationships

11 Feb

This thread started out as a continuation of last week’s discussion on how couples manage their money. The poster talks about the fact that she and her boyfriend have lived together for three years and never had the “money” talk, until now. And it turns out they’re on different pages but need to get on the same one soon because she’s pregnant.

This thread has devolved, as YM threads are wont to do. But I think the end message is an important one- in a relationship, know what you’re willing to compromise on and what your not, financially or otherwise.

Split Government

20 Dec

I like a split government. I would actually like it even more if we had more than two major parties. I think more gets accomplished when the differing sides have to work together. This is the way our government is supposed to work. I may not like all of the compromises, but they almost certainly better represent the American people than just doing what I would want done. And, I’m not always right. It is good to hear the arguments from all sides. I don’t think either party should ever be able to hold the government hostage to its whims.

100 Words On

topics explored in exactly 100 words