Great Live Performances: Flogging Molly at the Paramount

14 Mar

Last night was our second time seeing Flogging Molly in concert. Let me just that Flogging Molly is one of the few bands that I would travel to see. In fact, if they are going to be playing near me, but not in my city, there’s a good chance I will travel to see them.

The show atSeattle’s Paramount Theater last night was almost 4 hours long, with two hours of that being all Flogging Molly. Their energy was amazing. They played a number of new songs, but also a lot of the old stuff that the crowd loved.

The Voice (s2, ep 7)

13 Mar

I’m boring right now, because for the most part, I agree with the judges’ decisions. I may not always agree with their song choices as I think song choice has a major effect.

I felt bad for the blond sandwich maker from Cee Lo’s team. I don’t think he sang badly, but the guy he was battling knocked it out of the park. Best performance of the battle rounds so far, in my opinion.

Now we know four of Christina’s team, two of Adam’s, and three each from Blake and Cee Lo. Overall, I think it’s a talent packed season.

Cultural FAIL

12 Mar

It’s the Chevy Nova. Perhaps not as bad, because Ireland isn’t nearly as big a market as the Spanish speaking world, but since Nike was planning on primarily releasing these shoes inIreland, you would think someone could have at least typed something in to Google.

What am I babbling about? Nike decided to make two new shoes for St Patty’s day- the Guinness and the Black and Tan. Sure in the US a black and tan is a drink made with Guinness, but in Ireland, it was a violent group that attacked civilians. (There’s even a song about this.)


Welcome DST

11 Mar

For the first time ever, I looked forward to the switch to Daylight Savings time. Not because I wanted to get up earlier- I hate mornings. And I will miss having natural light when I leave for work (at least for now). No, this year I welcomed it because of Mr Larry Dog. The short daylight hours after C and I were both home in the evening over the winter made it really difficult to get to the dog park on a regular basis. An hour of daylight relocated to the end of the day will actually make a difference.

Blog Feature: Love & a Six-Foot Leash

10 Mar

Love & a Six-Foot Leash is the blog of a family that recently moved to Austin. They have an older pit bull, Chick, and have been fostering Pits for quite some time. Chick has put up with the fosters, but with their latest foster dog, Snickerdoodle, Sir Chick fell in love. He found his brother from another mother, and guess what, the Dude is staying with the family, and going back to school.

They will stop fostering, with two of their own now, but hopefully they won’t stop blogging, as I’m looking forward to the adventures of Chick and Dude.

Game Review: Arkham Horror Curse of the Dark Pharaoh

08 Mar

The Curse of the Dark Pharoah expansion for Arkham Horror speeds up the game, bringing the Ancient One out sooner, and giving the players fewer gates to close before he appears. That is especially frustrating when your Ancient One is also designed to slow the closing of gates.
The players did win, but only because the Ancient One came out quite quickly, before our terror level was too high, and because we used the gate tokens we did get to become blessed. Being blessed and a willingness to share items in the final fight is what allowed us to win.

Movie Review: Fame (1980 & 2009)

07 Mar

I have now seen both versions of Fame (1980 & 2009). It makes me sad that we can’t make a movie for and about teenagers that is rated R anymore. The original was rated R. It dealt with serious issues facing teenagers, many focusing on sex, including abortion and homosexuality.

The new version is rated PG. The most dramatic focus was placed on parents who wanted their daughter to play classical piano, and she wanted to sing.

The issues facing teenagers did not get less complicated in the 30 years between these movies. So why are we pretending they did?

The Voice (s2 ep6)

06 Mar

Battlerounds! I like that we did six in our two hours- lots of singing and not too much time spent on people we’ll never see again.

I was really impressed with the battles. There were some amazing performances. In a couple cases, I would have chosen differently than the coaches, but I could also understand why they chose the way they did. The only choice I really disagreed with was Blake’s first- Raelynn.

I know she reminds him of his wife, but the girl can’t sing anything outside country. I don’t think she makes his team stronger at all.

This would explain a lot…

05 Mar

As a measure of what sets humans apart from other primates, cumulative knowledge seems as good as any. However, the result of this study that interests me the most has nothing to do with monkeys. It’s that the scientists saw “evidence for cumulative culture in five of eight groups” of toddlers.

That means that 37.5% of their test subjects did NOT show evidence for cumulative learning. What about them?

Were they the youngest groups? Were they groups of strangers? Did kids in those groups have autism spectrum disorders? Or is 37.5% of humanity not capable of learning from each other?

Blog Feature: The Millionaire Nurse Blog

03 Mar

My beloved Aunt is a nurse. I have worked with some wonderful nurses. Yes, nurses occupy a soft spot in my heart. I think they do a difficult job and often do not get the rewards they deserve. And that’s part of why The Millionaire Nurse Blog is one of my favorites. Dr. Dean has committed himself to sharing information about nurses and for nurses. It’s a nurse blog that cares about personal finances for all.

Besides his regular Best in Nurse Blogs feature, I love his personal finance lessons found anywhere- like in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

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