I Need to Take Better Notes

25 Mar

Occasionally I get frustrated with myself for doing stupid things. For example, I was very, very proud of myself when I figured out how to center my home page for ErinShanendoah.com. But then, last night, I made a change to the page and re-uploaded everything. Naturally, I didn’t save the old version where I had made the changes necessary to the html coding to center the page. So now, my page has the new information I wanted it to have, but hugs the left side of the screen.
I need to figure it out again and write myself instructions.

Blog Feature: Bringing Up Bella

24 Mar

Bringing Up Bella is dedicated to Leslie’s current dog, Bella. She’s a sweet little thing, but has some “issues”- such as extreme fear of thunderstorms (which I completely understand).While she is definitely loved and adored, Bella is not Leslie’s first dog, and we all know how hard it can be for the new dog to stack up against the old dog. We get a good look at their differences in Opposites Distract. But the thing Leslie really does remember is that it’s not about the dog that was, it’s about the dog that is, even if she’s Not Quite Perfect.

Your Money Friday: $100k/year and Feeling Poor

23 Mar

There’s a difference between making $100k/year and not feeling rich, and making $100k/year and feeling poor that’s more than difference between the thread title and the article title. While I understand that the writer feels like things should be different with at $100k, I think she needs a paradigm shift.

Their only debt is a mortgage and a car loan for a child. They bought their son a car, and they are able to cash flow both of their children through college. That’s not poor. It may not be tropical vacations and umbrella drinks, but it’s still doing quite nicely.

Movie Review: The Three Musketeers (2011)

22 Mar

I wrote here how excited I was about the latest version of Three Musketeers before it even came out. Sadly, I never did get to see it in the theater, but this last weekend, I was was able to see it on blue-ray.

The first half (maybe two-thirds) of the movie was boring. Starting with the raid on theTower of London, it turned into a pretty fun action movie. Since I like action movies and airships, that made me happy.

I thought the three Musketeers were well cast, but just was not feeling it for either D’Artagnan or Louis.

Movie Review: John Carter

21 Mar

I first read Burrough’s Martian series back in middle school. I read the complete series at least once more in high school. I love the books and was quite excited to see John Carter.

The plot is not the plot from the first book. It kind of combines some elements from the second, but it is still not really recognizable, except for the characters and the basic premise. It was immensely enjoyable.

My biggest issue was that, according to this plot, John Carter was on Mars for two weeks at most. Did everything really need to happen in that quickly?

The Voice (s2 ep 8)

20 Mar

I missed the first battle of the night. I wish I could have missed the second and third battles. I felt bad for last week’s contestants that they had to go home and the two “winners” of those battles got to stay. I don’t think they can last long once we get to the live rounds. And despite not being impressed with any of those singers, in both cases, the coach picked opposite of what I would have.

I agreed with the choices for the fourth, fifth and sixth battles. I can see a couple of those people going far.

Series Premier: Unchained Reaction

19 Mar

Next Sunday, Mythbusters returns. In anticipation of that, last night we watched the series premier of Adam and Jamie’s new show- Unchained Reaction. Basically, each week there are two teams who are given a theme and a room full of stuff, and they make giant Rube Goldberg machines that fit the theme. The day before they have to show Adam and Jamie their machines, they get an added element (last night it was a piano) that they have to incorporate into their machines.

It was a fun show, though I don’t know that I’ll regularly stay up to watch it.

Blog Feature: My Broken Coin

18 Mar

Aloysa over at My Broken Coin has a problem- she loves to shop. In fact, her shopping addiction is why her coin is broken, so to speak. One of my favorite things about Aloysa is her honesty with herself and her readers about her struggles with money and how to save for a future while still enjoying today.

As much as I love her honesty, I think my favorite posts from her are when she does a list. Aloysa does great lists. Most recently it was 20 Things Bloggers Should Stop Doing.

All I have to say is, I agree.

Your Money Friday: Keeping Down with the Joneses

16 Mar

This thread asks: Would you avoid spending money in order to not feel like a show off to friends, family, neighbors who are currently struggling? And if so, is there a difference between buying a new gadget that can be hidden away and renovating your kitchen, which is glaringly obvious?

I understand both sides of the argument, though I do not think we temper our spending based on what others might think. We save for what we need and then go buy it.

But our friends have always had diverse financial situations so it’s something we’re already used to navigating.

Ode to Earplugs

15 Mar

I know that concerts are supposed to be loud. I know that it makes me “old” when I want to have earplugs for concerts, but you know what, I don’t care, because besides saving my hearing (if it can be saved) earplugs actually make the concert a more enjoyable experience.

They cut out the majority of the background crowd noise so that I hear the band but not a hundred people talking. They also cut down on speaker feedback and help me hear the singer and lyrics much more clearly. But I can still feel the bass pumping through me.

100 Words On

topics explored in exactly 100 words