Blog Feature: Average Joe’s Money Blog #yakezie

04 Feb

I wrote a post called “Average Joe’s Deserve to Retire, Too.” Average Joe wrote a post about financial lessons in board games. A geek/ personal finance blogger friendship was born.

Average Joe’s Money Blog is written by two finance professionals, Average Joe and the Other Guy, and they manage to provide sound financial advice in an easy to read format with a good sense of humor. We like humor.

Average Joe is also a cat guy, and managed to convince someone else to write a post that links personal finances to crafty old cats. How can you not like that?

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2 Responses

  1. Just found your blog really like the concept of posting everyday but with 100 words. Personal finances to old cats thats funny.

    • Erin Shanendoah says:

      Writing 100 words a day is a good habit to get into. Now if only I could do that for my fiction.

100 Words On

topics explored in exactly 100 words