Blog Feature: Another Housewife

22 Jan

I met Mrs C from Another Housewife on the Women in Red message boards. She and I have two very different approaches to life, which is actually one of the things I enjoy most about her posts. She looks at things so differently than I do, that reading her blog helps me expand my horizons.

At the same time, we have a few things in common, too. Not just being bloggers, but we’re both avid readers. I love that she looked up the costs of the books she got from the library to see how much going there saves her.

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2 Responses

  1. Thank You! There is a feature on our local library website that allows you to put in all the services you use (computer, dvd's, books, etc.) and it will calculate how much money using your local library saves (or would save) you. It is a huge eye opener.

    • Erin Shanendoah says:

      Okay, that's a neat function. I wish libraries would publish that information, as a reminder to people that paying taxes for good libraries can actually save them money.

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