Respect for Marriage. I like that. Because really, did marriage ever actually need defending? When people are willing to fight for the right to marry, I’m pretty certain marriage is in good shape.
Diane Feinstein has cred on this issue. She was one of only 14 Senators who voted against DOMA to begin with. And, now, unsurprisingly, she’s the one to sponsor the bill to repeal DOMA.
Thank you, Senator, for the respect you’ve shown on this issue.
The fact that Obama is endorsing the Respect for Marriage Act is the icing, but you’re the baker.
Equal means equal, always.
Tags: defense of marriage act, dianne feinstein, discrimination, DOMA, equal rights, gay marriage, politics, respect for marriage act
I agree, go Senator! I like Senator Feinstein and love that she is working on this issue.