Archive for the ‘Work’ Category

Career Plan

11 Jul

I like having a plan, even for things that are years out. I have now been in my current position for a year, so it is time for a career plan.

In another two to three years, I want go to work for an international health organization. Someplace like PATH, which has headquarters in Seattle would be good, though the husband wouldn’t mind if I looked for a company in Oregon or the Bay Area.

That means that I need to join the Associate for Operations Management and get some of their certificates sometime in the next year or so.

Love your job?

26 Jun

Young adults get a lot of career advice, advice along the lines of “find your passion”, “love what you do and you’ll never work a day in your life,” etc. It sounds great, but for most of us, I’m calling bullshit.

For one, no matter how much you love your job, some days will be work. And for others, turning their passion into their job just causes them to lose the passion.

So, no, for those of you who are wondering, you don’t have to love your job. You have to like it well enough to go back on Monday.

Don’t quit your job without a plan

17 Jun

This is an older thread that I wanted to link back to because I think it contains some very good information.

The gist: even if you’re unhappy and not working to your potential, it’s not a good idea to quit you job if you don’t have another job lined up or savings in place to cover your bills.

Also, people lose a lot of sympathy for you when you play the I’m too special, you don’t agree with me so I’m going to take my ball and go home card. Everyone is unique- the corporate world doesn’t care; grow up.

There aren’t even enough McJobs

29 Apr

It’s a discussion I do not have the energy to be involved in this time around (and it does take energy as people are so entrenched on their side of the fence), but it is always interesting to see how other people view the current job market. There are those who believe that there are enough jobs for everyone, if people were really willing to work, and those who like to point out that McDonalds announced it would hire 50,000 people. It actually hired 62,000. That’s great, but the fact that they got over 1 million applications- not so much.

Wal-Mart at the Supreme Court

29 Mar

Today, the Supreme Court will hear arguments in the Wal-Mart discrimination suit. Today will not be about whether or not Wal-Mart actually discriminated against women, but about whether the women can file suit in a single, nationwide class-action.

I’ve written about this before. Today, I am focused on the judges. The conservative majority has a history of siding with big business, but doing so in this case would mean ignoring 45 years of precedent.

I’m encouraged by the three women on the bench. It’s harder to pretend discrimination doesn’t really exist when you’re sitting next to people who’ve faced it.


Report Sexual Harassment – ALWAYS

03 Feb

There will still be the regular Friday money post, but I needed to comment on this thread.

Sexual harassment is a crime. You should never hesitate to report it, especially when statements become borderline threats against your family.

I find it sad how mistrusting of HR so many people are. Yes, there are not great people in HR, just like there are in every position in every company. But there are also good people in HR, and since protecting the company really is part of their job, when it is possible the company could be legally liable, they will act.



01 Feb

I am bad at networking. I should rephrase; I am bad at work networking. Networking with people who have similar interests to me is easy. Networking with people where the one thing we have in common is the company we work for, much harder.

Today I am at an all day leadership conference. The first hour is dedicated to networking. It’s not that I don’t know anyone; I know quite a few of our leaders because of my former role as an admin to an executive director. It’s more that I have no idea how to relate to these people.


Advice for Job Seekers

30 Jan

I had my share of frustrations as a job seeker. Now, I get to see the frustrations from the other side of the process, as I help our hiring managers find the right candidates for a job. If you are currently looking, let me give you some advice.

Don’t blanket a company with your resume.

 Even if you want to work for the company, make sure you are applying for jobs you’re actually qualified for, ones that your experience matters in.

Read the posting.

Modify at least you cover letter to highlight the skills the hiring manager is looking for.

On Being a Feminist (8)

13 Dec

There’s a suit against Wal-Mart that going to the Supreme Court. The only thing being decided is whether or not the plaintiffs can bring the case as a class action. It involves up to 1.6 million women, in 3,400 stores and 170 job classifications. Too big, too difficult to manage, Wal-Mart claims.

But if there is no class, will Wal-Mart ever have to change their practice of discriminating against women? Will 1.6 million women sue? Or 3,400, or 170? Not likely, because most women Wal-Mart employs don’t have the resources.

Being poor is not a license for employers to discriminate.

On Being a Feminist (7)

12 Dec

I am one of the lucky ones. Let me be very clear on this. I have wonderful, supportive parents and family, who are proud of my accomplishments, who would have been proud of me not matter what.

I have an amazing husband who has known from the beginning that I would be the primary earner, and does not feel threatened by it. (And does his share of the housework.)

I work in a field where women are prevalent in executive positions.

But just because I haven’t felt discriminated against doesn’t give me the luxury of pretending the problem doesn’t exist.

100 Words On

topics explored in exactly 100 words