Archive for the ‘Work’ Category

Your Money Friday: Weight in the Workplace

25 May

So while we’re still talking about work clothes over on YM this week, the thread I’m highlighting only pretends to be about wardrobe- Does this Interview Suit Make Me Look Fat? It started talking about companies policies about not hiring fat people because of the insurance cost. It has morphed a bit to be talking about weight in general, and howUS society perceives weight.

The conversation has remained quite respectful (which is nice), but for someone who has struggled with their weight, it is also very frustrating to hear people tell me how “simple” it is to lose weight.

Blog Feature: Frugal Portland

19 May

Frugal Portland is a new blog to me, but I enjoy it quite a bit. I’m featuring it because this afternoon, I am most likely making a road trip down to Portland in order to drop a bed off for my cousin (and maybe a vacuum). Since Portland is on my mind, I figured it should be on yours, too.

I want to highlight her post on getting your First Job Out of College, because I think that’s something a lot of college kids aren’t prepared for- not going to work, but not having a definitive end point in sight.

Your Money Friday: Work Wardrobe

18 May

Always of greater concern to women than men, today’s Your Money thread focuses on the work wardrobe. Where do you buy your clothes? How much do you spend? How dressy do you need to look?

A number of posters appear to like thrift and consignment stores. I might look in a consignment store, but I would not shop for work clothes in a thrift store. Not because I do not think I’d find them there, but because there are people who need to be able to find business dress at thrift store prices, and I am not one of them.

Support SNOPA

29 Apr

What would your response be, if, in an interview, your potential employer asked to tap your phone, read your mail, or be given the password to your email?  What if your child’s school asked to monitor your child that way? Chances are, you would say no, that those things are a gross violation of privacy.

It’s the same violation to require a job applicant or a student to provide their FaceBook log in information. If they make a public post that can be seen by anyone, that’s one thing, but if their account has privacy locks, that makes it private.

Your Money Friday: Swearing in a Resume

20 Apr

I don’t care how young and hip the business. I don’t care how much they use social media. The hiring manager at just about any job (retail being the one place I could see this not being the case) is going to be over 25 years old. That means that you need to use proper grammar and spelling in your resume. There should be no text speak, and for goodness sakes, especially if you’re going to have any contact with the public what so ever, there should be NO swearing. Please demonstrate that you have at least a little sense.

Mental Health Day

09 Nov

I am taking a mental health day, today. With everything that’s been going on in our loves, my weekdays and weekends have been packed. Even weekend days where we don’t have to do anything else, we have to go visit the MIL in the skilled facility, or get a million phone calls from her about how she wants to go home. It’s draining.

In addition I felt like I’m on the verge of getting sick for a couple of weeks now. So today, I’m taking a day off. C has class, so it’s just me and the dogs and books.

So Glad Today is Tuesday

20 Sep

Monday was a Monday. I’d been off work since last Tuesday, came in late and had a meeting to go to after I tried to catch up on all emails. I came home find out our Chevy didn’t come with a jag or a lug wrench. The VW’s jack worked, but its lug wrench would not fit. So we called roadside assistance who changed the tire for us and then we took it to Les Schwab and got a new tire.

After that, our beagle spent an hour running around through some blackberries.

I was so happy for new TV.

Happy Labor Day

05 Sep

I’m enjoying this day by doing nothing. It is my 10th and final day of vacation (for a week, then I’m back on vacation– I love September). I intend to sit around the house, watch bad movies, play some video games and basically do nothing productive- no labor for me on Labor Day.

However, I do appreciate those who have to work today. There was a year I worked in a video store where I worked every single holiday. So I do my best to be appreciative of those whose labor makes my day off as enjoyable as it is.

What do you want to be, when you grow up?

19 Aug

Before this thread devolved, there were some great stories about how people chose their careers.

Turns out, some people know what they want to do from a very young age. Some of them did that, and some still ended up in positions very different from what they envisioned and loved it.

Some went with what was practical and made money. Some fell in to careers and some just work jobs, wishing they were doing something else.

But the point is, you do not have to decide what you’re going to “be” at 18. Life takes us different places. Be open.

Repeat: Report Discrimination (even if you’re not the victim)

05 Aug

Discrimination is bad. It’s bad for the person being discriminated against; it’s bad for their team. Reporting discrimination is not an easy thing, whether you’re the victim or an observer, but it is the right thing.

Forget the fact that obvious racial/religious/nationality discrimination opens the company up to a lawsuit. Forget the fact that the victim could report it himself “if it bothered him”.. It bothered you. You noticed it. The rest of your team noticed it. It made you mad.

People being victimized can’t always see clearly. Do the right thing, even if it is not the easy thing.

100 Words On

topics explored in exactly 100 words