Archive for the ‘Television’ Category


17 Jan

We’re probably the last of our friends to finally catch an episode of the new Sherlock, a modern day reboot of classic Sherlock Holmes. And it does appear that Masterpiece Mystery will be playing more episodes, so hopefully we’ll see those as well. (I think there are three total.)

C is a fan of the Sherlock Holmes books, so he tends to be pretty picky about the adaptations. We both enjoyed this one, mostly because it focused on the spirit of Holmes and Watson and did not worry about the rest (I guess that’s the joy of making it modern).

How I Met Your Mother Rant

10 Jan

Okay, this Barney wedding plotline, that the HIMYM writers are playing with, is starting to bug me, mostly because I feel like it is all a tease. We started with the wedding as the season finale, what 2 full seasons ago (okay, maybe not that long, but it feels like it) when we were meant to think it was Ted’s wedding. The next season opener, we learned it was Barney’s. But then we go like half a season or more without returning to the wedding. I’d have forgotten about it if it weren’t for reruns. Get on with it already.

More MythBusters Mayhem

08 Dec

No new MythBusters last night so I’m still talking about the accident that had them sending a 30lb softball (I know, what’s soft about a ball weighing 30lbs) into a neighborhood near the bomb range where they conduct many experiments.

Jamie and Adam went to visit the home and help clean up. The show has insurance for exactly this reason. Everyone is grateful for the fact that no one was hurt.

However, some people in the neighborhood don’t want them back if they’re going to be doing “dangerous” things. My response to that- dude, you live near a BOMB range.

Can you say “Oops”?

07 Dec

The surprise isn’t that this happened. The surprise is that it hasn’t happened before, like a hundred times before. In an experiment gone awry, the MythBusters appear to have shot a cannonball through a house near the gun range where they normally test their artillery myths.

Apparently, the cannonball took some weird bounces, and went through two walls of a nearby house. Having once lived near a rifle range, I can tell you, the owners never thought anything like this could happen.

It does, however, make you wonder what happened to Jamie’s perfect period cannonball from the tree cannon myth.

MythBusters Season Finale (ep 180)

01 Dec

I actually think the 48 Hours 2 myth was busted. The reason- pouring liquid nitrogen on a bomb doesn’t give you 2-3 seconds to get safe, it gives minutes- 15 in this case, but I’m sure that varies by how much liquid nitrogen is used. Danny & Mel could have walked out of the house with that much time. As for the cast iron tub being an effective bomb shelter- not surprised.

As for planes, it’s more fuel efficient to fly one big plane flying than 5 little ones, so I don’t think formation flying is the future of aviation.

Sing-Off Finale

29 Nov

I was quite happy with the final three groups going in to the Sing-Off Finale. Pentatonix was my choice to win, but I thought Urban Method and the Dartmouth Aires were good groups, as well. Still, Pentatonix really had been my favorite for pretty much the whole season, and I was so happy to see them win. I’m looking forward to whatever album they get to put out.

The big opening number was just too busy for me. I liked the girls’ Aretha but not so much the boys’ Bruce. Probably because of the sheer number of singers on stage.

MythBusters Wheel of MythFortune

25 Nov

I was aware of the math behind the Monty Hall paradox when it came to switching, but I hadn’t been aware of the psychological tendency to stick instead of switch. I found that interesting. I also noticed that Adam won a lot more than 2/3 of the time with switching and that Jaime won a lot less than 1/3.

In the gun holding myth, target shooting is one thing, but in a gunfight, no one’s accurate, not the military, not the police. I don’t know that how the gun is held matters when no one is actually trying to aim.

MythBusters: Water Special

17 Nov

Second MythBusters retrospective in a row, though it looks like next week will be fan requests. Tonight was water myths, and this episode highlighted my biggest problem with the retrospective shows- no real information about the myths themselves.

The hubby did not remember the steam powered machine gun (I did), but at least they gave the outcome of that myth- busted. I did not remember the octopus egg hatching in a human stomach myth (hubby does), and they did not tell us the outcome of that myth, just talked about how cool it was to play with the octopus. Frustrating!

MythBusters: Location Special

10 Nov

It’s the semi-annual retrospective/count down show. This time, we’re counting down the different locations they’ve been to. I don’t mind retrospectives, as we often get a little more information about the different myths.

This time, I learned about the existence of M6 and M7. I don’t know that I had ever realized that the build team had their own workspace. I remember the early seasons, and I remember the comments about neighbors not liking them (I mean, dead pigs in the sports car, that smell would have pissed me off, too), but I hadn’t realized it was a separate location.

MythBusters (ep 176)

03 Nov

I love sewer explosions that send manhole covers 150ft in the air as much as the next MythBusters fan. It was a cool experiment. However, I really, really want to talk about the truck bed liner.

The first response at our house- why aren’t they making siding out of that? I’m not certain pieces of siding individually coated in the truck bed liner would have the same explosion proofing effects; it may be that the entire structure needs to be coated in one continuous layer, but still- a bomb proof house. How handy would that be for the zombie apocalypse?

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