Archive for the ‘Gay Marriage’ Category

It Knows No Political Boundaries

29 Aug

That’s right folks, even someone with the conservative bona fides of having been George W Bush’s campaign manager and chairman of the Republican National Committee can be gay. I want you to sit and think about the people this man has worked with and about the attitudes he has faced year in and year out. Now tell me this is a choice.

Kudos to Mehlman. Thank you for being willing to be yourself in public. Thank you for what you plan to do. The world needs people like you, whether I agree with the rest of your politics or not.

Give me a civil union

06 Aug

If you really, really believe that marriage is a religious institution, like baptism, or ordaining of priests and clergy, that’s fine. I say let marriage, as a word, be between you, your church, and your God.

But please don’t try and involve my government in your discrimination. If you want marriage to be religious, than our government should pay it as much mind as it does baptism.

Personally,  I would fully support the government getting out of the marriage business. For legal purposes, call them all civil unions. The words you use don’t actually change my relationship one little bit.

Prop 8 goes down

04 Aug

In the course of human history, we have proven over and over again that separate is never equal. One more step was taken toward equal rights for all US citizens today, and once again, it was taken by a Republican appointed judge.

Some will say that Judge Walker ruled against Prop 8 because he is gay. This was known before the trial but the Prop 8 proponents did not petition for a new judge. The truth is, it all comes down to either we believe that all men were created equal, or we don’t. I know which side I’m on.

Thank you, Judge Tauro

09 Jul

This is what we have a non-elected judiciary for. To say that sometimes, what is popular is not right, that the majority does not have the right to enslave the minority.

The Constitution does not recognize classes of citizens. The federal government doesn’t care if a state allows preteens to marry. Procreation is not a requirement for or of heterosexual marriage.

This is a broad ruling. I fear the Supreme Court does not have the fortitude to uphold it. But today, today Judge Joseph Tauro, a 79 year old, Nixon appointed federal judge, is my hero.

Thank you, Your Honor.

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