Archive for the ‘Marriage’ Category

Happy Birthday to my Husband

27 Jun

I should save the gushy romantic stuff for our anniversary. But today is my husband’s birthday. I just want to let him know how much I love him, and that even though I pick on him, and even mock him sometimes, I could not imagine being happier.

He just started back in school part time in January, and full time just last week. He’s studying Linear Algebra over 5 weeks, so we won’t have much time to celebrate tomorrow, but I made cookies.

Sweetheart, I love you. I am proud of you, and I look forward to many more birthdays.

Happy Comes from Inside You, Not Cash

11 Mar

While money is listed as one of the most common reasons couples fight, most of us know that the arguments are usually about more than money. That’s certainly the case in this thread, from a woman who wishes she weren’t the breadwinner. In fact, all she really wanted was to be a stay at home mom.

Bless you, if you can make your way through all 13 pages of the thread. I was a participant in the beginning but had to stop for sanity’s sake. Yes, money can make your life better, but you have to choose to be happy.

Valentine’s Day

14 Feb

In high school, my motto was “Valentine’s Day is a Hershey, Hallmark, and FTD conspiracy.” (I was too young to be figuring in the diamond industry.) But my husband has always made a bit of a deal about Valentine’s Day.

The first year we were dating, I came home to chocolates on my front porch, another year it was giant, South American peach colored roses. We have since settled on strawberries and other fruit dipped in chocolate. But this year, I can’t eat that, so he’s making me truffles instead- homemade chocolate truffles.

I must admit, I love being spoiled.


Compromise in Relationships

11 Feb

This thread started out as a continuation of last week’s discussion on how couples manage their money. The poster talks about the fact that she and her boyfriend have lived together for three years and never had the “money” talk, until now. And it turns out they’re on different pages but need to get on the same one soon because she’s pregnant.

This thread has devolved, as YM threads are wont to do. But I think the end message is an important one- in a relationship, know what you’re willing to compromise on and what your not, financially or otherwise.

Couples and their Money

04 Feb

We’re discussing a 5 part series on Slate about how couples manage their finances. Do they combine all their money, just some of it, or none of it?

We’re common potters, in the author’s terms. It is what works best for us, but I don’t believe that is the only way for people to manage their finances. Much like everyone’s marriage is different, how they manage their money as a couple (or as individuals) is a decision best left up to them. There is no right way, there isn’t even a “grown up” way, other than not constantly bouncing checks.

Calculus Tutor Needed

24 Jan

My husband is back in school and taking a combination calculus and physics course. I like math. I started undergrad as a secondary ed/math major. I took calculus in high school and calc II twice in college, getting a D in it the second time. At that point, I decided that math wasn’t the major for me.

And now, ten plus (and it’s not an insignificant plus) years later, I’m trying to remember it to help my husband with his homework. It’s frustrating because things look familiar, but I can’t remember how to get from point A to point B.



21 Dec

Today is my birthday, my 35th birthday. It is also my grandparents’ 65th wedding anniversary. That’s a milestone I look forward to reaching. But for now, I am happy with where I am.

I have a husband I love, 2 dogs who bring joy to me every day, a job I like, a house that is our home, and an amazing and diverse group of friends.

I am lucky enough that I will get to spend time in the presence of those friends this evening, at my favorite restaurant. Mango curry and good conversation- what more could a girl want.

Being Thankful

25 Nov

I am thankful for a wonderful husband, two sweet and cuddly (if not always good) dogs, loving parents, a brother who I may not always agree with, and good friends. I am thankful for the roof over our heads, the good job that helps keep it there, and the bounty in our lives that we are able to share with loved ones.

Recently I have been a little too stressed, too caught up in everything. Today, I take the time to remind myself exactly how wonderful my life is. Sometimes, 100 words isn’t  enough, but it will have to do.

The little things

12 Aug

Years ago, before we were dating, my husband and I were rough housing and he broke my watch. It was the night he realized he was in love with me. He bought me a watch for my college graduation, and I wore it every day for 8 years, until I lost it.

Since then, I’ve had trouble finding a watch I liked that didn’t cause a skin reaction and worked reliably. Earlier this week, my husband had the car for the afternoon. He spent two months of his spending “allowance” (we both have them) to buy me a new watch.

100 Words On

topics explored in exactly 100 words