Posts Tagged ‘movie review’

Movie Review: Abelar- Tales of an Anceint Empire (worst movie ever)

06 Jun

Abelar: Tales of an Ancient Empire is the sequel to The Sword and the Sorcerer, which is an enjoyable movie. Abelar is not. I mean, really not.

The story made very little sense. What should’ve been the good parts- like a climatic battle scene, aren’t in the movie. Instead, there’s a voiceover telling us what happened. There are characters that are hinted at, but you can’t quite be sure if they’re ever actually introduced.

And the end, the end makes even less sense than the rest of the movie.

Even if you’re a die hard Kevin Sorbo fan, SKIP this.

Movei Review: Journey to the Center of the Earth (2008)

29 May

I really think Brenden Fraser just makes movies he wants to make now, ones he thinks will be fun. I didn’t so much mind the plot holes, but the missing character development in Journey to the Center of the Earth got to me. And how much time was supposed to have passed? They supposedly walked and boated fromIcelandtoItalyunderground over the course of a weekend? And coins in jars aren’t enough for a last minute ticket toIcelandto begin with.

Despite all of my issues with the movie, I found it fun and actually enjoyed it.

Movie Review: The Tale of Despereaux

27 May

So this is what I knew about the Tale of Despereaux going in: it was about a mouse who wasn’t afraid of things, and that he could fly with his ears, kind of like Dumbo. So imagine my surprise when I found out the movie was mostly a bout soup, and a rat.

I enjoyed it. It just was not quite what I was expecting. There are things that confused me- like how much time actually passed in the story- mice don’t live very long, after all, but for the most part, I think it was a fun family movie.

Movie Review: Clash of the Titans (2010)

13 May

We recently saw the new Clash of the Titans. It mostly seemed like many scenes had been filmed and then ended up on the cutting room floor- especially of our two hunters who inserted themselves into the traveling party, got Perseus his shield, and the disappeared again, except for a brief cameo at the end. They ended up simply confusing us more than anything else, as we tried to keep track of who was who.

Then there were the random desert guys, who also appeared briefly and then left the party. I am still not certain what their purpose was.

Movie Review: Inkheart

03 May

I enjoyed Inkheart. I’ve been really happy with the way Brendan Fraser has grown into his roles in family fantasy type movies. I did have a few bumps with the story- like who got sucked into the story the previous times he had read aloud (before his wife was taken)? And who came out of the story when the daughter read to send everyone back? Especially when she put the author in the book. He hadn’t been there to begin with.

At the same time, those were questions for after the movie. While watching it, I was just having fun.

Movie Review: Real Steel

26 Apr

Robot boxing and Hugh Jackman- what’s not to like? I really did enjoy this movie. Yes, it was formulaic, and we all knew that Hugh’s character would end up having to “box” at the end (after all, we’d seen it in the previews), but knowing where a movie is going does not mean you can’t enjoy the ride. I like fun. I do not think every plot has to be complicated and full of twists to entertain. This movie satisfied.

My only issues were with our numerous “bad” guys, none of whom were fully formed characters. There were, instead, caricatures.

Movie Review: Off and Running

22 Apr

Off and Running is a documentary a very untraditional family. Made up of a Jewish lesbian couple and their three adopted children, a Puerto Rican boy, an African American girl, and a younger Korean son. The focus is on Avery, the daughter, as she tries to establish contact with her birth mother and begins to connect to her African American heritage.
It was an interesting look into how rejection from someone you have never met can change a life. Avery responds by rejecting her adoptive family until she reaches a crisis point, when she reaches back out for their support.

Movie Review: Scott Pilgrim vs the World

19 Apr

Scott Pilgrim vs the World was an odd movie of contradictions for me. Subject matter wise, it’s a movie I knew I would enjoy. I definitely like comic books and fun fight scenes and all of that. And then I watched it, and it was full of those awful embarrassing awkward moments that make me want to look away from the screen. I hate movies filled with those moments. And yet, I enjoyed Scott Pilgrim. The awkward moments were frequent, but not long and not so intense that I found myself cringing, so the fun of it all won out.

Movie Review: The Three Musketeers (2011)

22 Mar

I wrote here how excited I was about the latest version of Three Musketeers before it even came out. Sadly, I never did get to see it in the theater, but this last weekend, I was was able to see it on blue-ray.

The first half (maybe two-thirds) of the movie was boring. Starting with the raid on theTower of London, it turned into a pretty fun action movie. Since I like action movies and airships, that made me happy.

I thought the three Musketeers were well cast, but just was not feeling it for either D’Artagnan or Louis.

Movie Review: John Carter

21 Mar

I first read Burrough’s Martian series back in middle school. I read the complete series at least once more in high school. I love the books and was quite excited to see John Carter.

The plot is not the plot from the first book. It kind of combines some elements from the second, but it is still not really recognizable, except for the characters and the basic premise. It was immensely enjoyable.

My biggest issue was that, according to this plot, John Carter was on Mars for two weeks at most. Did everything really need to happen in that quickly?

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