Archive for March, 2013

Movie Review: Fast Five

04 Mar

I enjoyed the original The Fast and the Furious. I’m pretty certain I even saw the second installment in the theater. And I think Tokyo Drift was the 3rd movie, but I have no memory of the 4th movie existing. In fact, the only reason I even think there was a 4th movie is because the last one released was called Fast Five (and I have now seen ads for number 6).

I liked Fast Five. I knew going in that plausibility was not going to be high, so I was just able to ignore that and enjoy the ride.

Blog Feature: Beating Broke

02 Mar

My favorite thing about Beating Broke is the honesty. The thing I love most about personal finance blogs is the “personal” part. If I wanted just straight finance, I’d go to the library. I love this personal part because it reminds me that we are all in very different situations and just because something is not right for me, or goes against prevailing advice, doesn’t mean it isn’t the right choice for someone.

BB reminds us of that this week, telling us Why I’m Withdrawing Money from an IRA. It goes against traditional advice, but it’s still a smart move.

Your Money Friday: Mortgage Payments

01 Mar

A reminder today that everything about personal finances is relative. A poster with a mortgage currently of under $700/month is considering one that is $2000/month. It is a huge jump, but it is for their dream home, and it is a jump the poster can afford.

When asking if she was “crazy” for considering it, most people reacted based on what housing costs are like where they live. Those in low cost of living areas cannot imagine a mortgage that high, whereas those who live in high COLAs dream about getting that kind of house for a mortgage that low.

100 Words On

topics explored in exactly 100 words