Archive for September, 2011


09 Sep

NFL football is back! And I have Aaron Rodgers on my fantasy team, so I’m one happy camper. I know football is violent. I happen to like violent sports- roller derby, ice hockey and football. But at the same time, all of these sports can be played with finesses, with minimal violence, and those games are the best.

Definitely happy with the opening game of the season- very few penalties, great plays on both sides of the ball, and well, Aaron Rodgers is blowing up the fantasy score!

I predict a very good year for fantasy football in my house.

Movie Review: Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

08 Sep

When we first saw previews for Prince of Persia, I remember commenting “Jake Gyllenhaal…?” But that kind of miscasting was the least of (or at least only one of many) the problems with this movie. I really don’t know if I should blame the script, the direction, or the acting. All of it was bad- and sadly not in the so bad I enjoyed it kind of way. It was just bad.

To top it off, let me tell you- when you give Ben Kingsley that kind of facial hair, it’s a dead give away that he’s the bad guy.

Movie Review: Tangled

07 Sep

The songs weren’t that great (though I did love the duet in the boat) but for once, the songs were not what made this movie. I loved Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast, but without the musical numbers, those movies wouldn’t have been nearly as good. That wasn’t true of Tangled.

Tangled was a fun coming of age romance with or without the music. The animals were appropriately cute and personable (loved Maximus who was more like a dog than a horse). And, of course, it was perfect that the hero was willing to sacrifice himself for her freedom.

BattleStar Gallactica (new version)

06 Sep

We have started to watch the final season of the new Battlestar Gallactica. We watched all the other seasons as they were happening, or right after the season ended when we could watch them all online at once. But it had gone downhill enough that we just did not care enough to watch the final season.

In a conversation today, Edward James Olmos’s name came up, so we decided to go back and give it a try. So far, it’s not driving me crazy, but it is certainly not the show I remember falling in love with the first season.

Happy Labor Day

05 Sep

I’m enjoying this day by doing nothing. It is my 10th and final day of vacation (for a week, then I’m back on vacation– I love September). I intend to sit around the house, watch bad movies, play some video games and basically do nothing productive- no labor for me on Labor Day.

However, I do appreciate those who have to work today. There was a year I worked in a video store where I worked every single holiday. So I do my best to be appreciative of those whose labor makes my day off as enjoyable as it is.

Thinning the Closet

04 Sep

Yesterday I bought a new pair of jeans. This brings me up to two pairs of jeans. Still, I have a rule that for every new pair of pants that comes in to my house, I have to get rid of an older pair.

I threw out two pair of pants with holes in them, and have three more that need some minor tailoring set aside to go to my friend who can sew to fix up before I donate them. While I haven’t worn any of these pants in a while, at least they’re slated to leave the house.

A Working Vacation

03 Sep

I have been on vacation, but doing fairly well with keeping the daily posts up until today. Sorry about that.

My mom is here, and with her help we have been cleaning the house and doing yard work, lots and lots of yard work. (The fight against the blackberries is never ending.)

She also bought us a new love seat, so the living room has been rearranged.

She goes home this afternoon, so I’ll get a couple days left of the weekend to relax, but its been good having her here. And my house and yard really do look better.

Book Review: The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman

02 Sep

I would like to be as talented as Neil Gaiman. Is that too much to ask? Writing wise, it seems the man’s talent knows no bounds. He can write dark and gritty, very adult, adventure, and even win the Newberry Medal for children’s books. It really doesn’t seem fair.

But at least I can read what he writes, and I’ll take that as compensation. The Graveyard Book is a story of the fantastical that children of all ages can relate to, a true coming of age tale filled with friends and family, a few secrets, and even some bad guys.

Movie Review: Taken

01 Sep

I remember when First Contact game out, a quote from Brent Spiner about how cool it was to be able to play an action hero in his late 40s. At the time, that was novel. Not so much anymore. Liam Neeson is in his 50s or 60s now, and he gets to play an action hero in Taken. (I’ve even heard rumors of a sequel.)

It was an enjoyable movie- not too many disconnects, fast paced action and the like. I do wonder what happened to the first girl he rescued. Did he just leave her in the hotel room?

100 Words On

topics explored in exactly 100 words