Archive for August, 2011

A Change in Roles

02 Aug

This morning, I dropped my husband off at the airport. He’ll be gone for a week. In our 8 year marriage, this is only the second time he’s been the one to go somewhere.

I travel without him not exactly frequently, but once or twice a year. He hates to travel and is rarely willing to go places with me, let alone without me. In this case, he’s working a convention for a friend’s company, so its not quite pleasure travel,

But it does upend our status quo. And for once, I’m the one left home alone with the dogs.

Movie Review: Ninja Assassin

01 Aug

Some movies would be so much better if they could figure out how to not take themselves so seriously. So much of Ninja Assassin (including the previews I remember) seemed like it should be able to poke fun of itself, but it just never found a way.

The music over the closing credits also seemed like they’d originally planned on having fun, but someone never told the director. I don’t know, all I know is, copious amounts of free flowing and splattering blood do not belong in a movie that’s trying to be serious. It is just out of place.

100 Words On

topics explored in exactly 100 words